Mobeen Fatemi
Mobeen Fatemi
Associate Professor at Sharif University of Technology
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Experimental investigation of near-miscible water-alternating-gas injection performance in water-wet and mixed-wet systems
SM Fatemi, M Sohrabi
Spe Journal 18 (01), 114-123, 2013
Experimental investigation of the influence of fluid-fluid interactions on oil recovery during low salinity water flooding
R Mokhtari, S Ayatollahi, M Fatemi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 182, 106194, 2019
The effect of brine salinity and oil components on dynamic IFT behavior of oil-brine during low salinity water flooding: Diffusion coefficient, EDL establishment time, and IFT …
H Farhadi, S Ayatollahi, M Fatemi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, 107862, 2021
Experimental investigation on the dominating fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions during low salinity water flooding in water-wet and oil-wet calcites
H Farhadi, M Fatemi, S Ayatollahi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 204, 108697, 2021
Pore scale visualization of fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions during low-salinity waterflooding in carbonate and sandstone representing micromodels
SE Siadatifar, M Fatemi, M Masihi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 198, 108156, 2021
Recovery Mechanisms and Relative Permeability for Gas/Oil Systems at Near-Miscible Conditions: Effects of Immobile Water Saturation, Wettability, Hysteresis, and Permeability
SM Fatemi, M Sohrabi
Energy & Fuels 27 (5), 2376-2389, 2013
Three-phase relative permeability and hysteresis effect during WAG process in mixed wet and low IFT systems
H Shahverdi, M Sohrabi, M Fatemi, M Jamiolahmady
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (3-4), 732-739, 2011
Static and dynamic evaluation of the effect of nanomaterials on the performance of a novel synthesized PPG for water shut-off and improved oil recovery in fractured reservoirs
PA Khoshkar, M Fatemi, MH Ghazanfari
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 189, 107019, 2020
Microfluidics experimental investigation of the mechanisms of enhanced oil recovery by low salinity water flooding in fractured porous media
A Mahmoudzadeh, M Fatemi, M Masihi
Fuel 314, 123067, 2022
Effect of silicate sodium and graphene nanoplatelets on morphology and rheology characteristics of new synthesized preformed particle gel (PPG) for water shut-off treatment
A Paprouschi, M Fatemi, MH Ghazanfari
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 204, 108736, 2021
Relative permeabilities hysteresis for oil/water, gas/water and gas/oil systems in mixed-wet rocks
SM Fatemi, M Sohrabi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 161, 559-581, 2018
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Gas/Oil Relative Permeability Hysteresis under Low Oil/Gas Interfacial Tension and Mixed-Wet Conditions
SM Fatemi, M Sohrabi, M Jamiolahmady, S Ireland
Energy & Fuels 26 (7), 4366-4382, 2012
Assessment of three phase relative permeability and hysteresis models for simulation of water-alternating-gas WAG injection in water-wet and mixed-wet systems
O Shahrokhi, M Fatemi, M Sohrabi, S Ireland, K Ahmed
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-169170-MS, 2014
Experimental and theoretical investigation of water/gas relative permeability hysteresis: Applicable to water alternating gas (WAG) injection and gas storage processes
SM Fatemi, M Sohrabi
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, SPE-161827-MS, 2012
Cyclic Hysteresis in Three-Phase Relative Permeability Applicable to WAG Injection: Water-Wet and Mixed-Wet Systems under Low Gas/Oil IFT
SM Fatemi, M Sohrabi
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-159816-MS, 2012
Evaluation of three-phase relative permeability models for WAG injection using water-wet and mixed-wet core flood experiments
H Shahverdi, M Sohrabi, M Fatemi, M Jamiolahmady, S Irelan, ...
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-143030-MS, 2011
Mechanistic study of the effects of dynamic fluid/fluid and fluid/rock interactions during immiscible displacement of oil in porous media by low salinity water: Direct …
MR Alizadeh, M Fatemi
Journal of Molecular Liquids 322, 114544, 2021
Relative Permeability Characterization for Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection in Oil Reservoirs
H Shahverdi, M Sohrabi, SM Fatemi
SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 2013
Experimental investigation of oil recovery by different injection scenarios under low oil/gas IFT and mixed-wet condition: Water-flood, gas injection, WAG and SWAG injection
M Sohrabi, SM Fatemi
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, SPE-161074-MS, 2012
Recovery Mechanisms and Relative Permeability for Oil/Gas System at Near-miscible Conditions: Effects of Immobile Water Saturation, Wettability, Hysteresis and Permeability
SM Fatemi, MS Sohrabi, S Ireland, M Jamiolahmady
18th SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium 2012, SPE-154277-MS, 2012
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Articles 1–20