Roger Sayre
Roger Sayre
Senior Scientist, Land Change Science Program, U.S. Geological Survey
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Essential biodiversity variables
HM Pereira, S Ferrier, M Walters, GN Geller, RHG Jongman, RJ Scholes, ...
Science 339 (6117), 277-278, 2013
A high‐resolution bioclimate map of the world: a unifying framework for global biodiversity research and monitoring
MJ Metzger, RGH Bunce, RHG Jongman, R Sayre, A Trabucco, R Zomer
Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (5), 630-638, 2013
An assessment of the representation of ecosystems in global protected areas using new maps of World Climate Regions and World Ecosystems
R Sayre, D Karagulle, C Frye, T Boucher, NH Wolff, S Breyer, D Wright, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00860, 2020
A new map of global ecological land units—an ecophysiographic stratification approach
R Sayre, J Dangermond, C Frye, R Vaughan, P Aniello, S Breyer, ...
Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers 46, 2014
A new map of standardized terrestrial ecosystems of Africa
RG Sayre, P Comer, J Hak, C Josse, J Bow, H Warner, M Larwanou, ...
African Geographical Review, 2013
A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units
R Sayre, S Noble, S Hamann, R Smith, D Wright, S Breyer, K Butler, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 12 (sup2), S47-S56, 2019
Nature in focus: rapid ecological assessment
R Sayre, E Roca, G Sedaghatkish, B Young, S Keel, R Roca, S Sheppard
Island Press, 1999
A three-dimensional mapping of the ocean based on environmental data
RG Sayre, DJ Wright, SP Breyer, KA Butler, K Van Graafeiland, ...
Oceanography 30 (1), 90-103, 2017
Modeling global Hammond landform regions from 250‐m elevation data
D Karagulle, C Frye, R Sayre, S Breyer, P Aniello, R Vaughan, D Wright
Transactions in GIS 21 (5), 1040-1060, 2017
A new map of standardized terrestrial ecosystems of the conterminous United States
R Sayre, P Comer, H Warner, J Cress
US Geological Survey, 2009
A new high-resolution map of world mountains and an online tool for visualizing and comparing characterizations of global mountain distributions
R Sayre, C Frye, D Karagulle, J Krauer, S Breyer, P Aniello, DJ Wright, ...
Mountain Research and Development 38 (3), 240-249, 2018
A multidisciplinary framework to derive global river reach classifications at high spatial resolution
CO Dallaire, B Lehner, R Sayre, M Thieme
Environmental Research Letters 14 (2), 024003, 2019
Terrestrial ecosystems of south America
R Sayre, J Bow, C Josse, L Sotomayor, J Touval
North America Land Cover Summit, 131-152, 2008
Natureza em foco: avaliação ecológica rápida
R Sayre, E Roca, G Sedaghatkish, B Young, S Keel, R Roca, S Sheppard
Arlington: The Nature Conservancy, 2003
Spatial variations of sapwood chemistry with soil acidity in Appalachian forests
DR DeWalle, BR Swistock, RG Sayre, WE Sharpe
Journal of Environmental Quality 20 (2), 486-491, 1991
Stratifying ocean sampling globally and with depth to account for environmental variability
MJ Costello, Z Basher, R Sayre, S Breyer, DJ Wright
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1-9, 2018
A guide to Caribbean vegetation types: preliminary classification system and descriptions
AE Areces-Mallea, AS Weakley, X Li, RG Sayre, JD Parrish, CV Tipton, ...
The Nature Conservancy (TNC), 1999
Un enfoque en la naturaleza: evaluaciones ecológicas rápidas
R Sayre, E Roca, G Sedaghatkish, B Young, S Keel, R Roca
Washington, DC,:, 2002
Bioregions in marine environments: combining biological and environmental data for management and scientific understanding
SNC Woolley, SD Foster, NJ Bax, JC Currie, DC Dunn, C Hansen, N Hill, ...
BioScience 70 (1), 48-59, 2020
A national geographic framework for guiding conservation on a landscape scale
MJ Millard, CA Czarnecki, JM Morton, LA Brandt, JS Briggs, FS Shipley, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 3 (1), 175-183, 2012
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Articles 1–20