James Cresser
James Cresser
Quantum Theory Group, University of Glasgow
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Canonical form of master equations and characterization of non-Markovianity
MJW Hall, JD Cresser, L Li, E Andersson
Physical Review A 89 (4), 042120, 2014
Depolarizing channel as a completely positive map with memory
S Daffer, K Wódkiewicz, JD Cresser, JK McIver
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (1), 010304, 2004
Finding the Kraus decomposition from a master equation and vice versa
E Andersson, JD Cresser, MJW Hall
Journal of Modern Optics 54 (12), 1695-1716, 2007
Comparing different non-Markovianity measures in a driven qubit system
P Haikka, JD Cresser, S Maniscalco
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (1), 012112, 2011
Resonance fluorescence of atoms in strong monochromatic laser fields
JD Cresser, J Häger, G Leuchs, M Rateike, H Walther
Dissipative Systems in Quantum Optics: Resonance Fluorescence, Optical …, 1982
Theory of the spectrum of the quantised light field
JD Cresser
Physics Reports 94 (2), 47-110, 1983
Open quantum system dynamics and the mean force Gibbs state
AS Trushechkin, M Merkli, JD Cresser, J Anders
AVS Quantum Science 4 (1), 2022
Quantum noise in ring-laser gyros. I. Theoretical formulation of problem
JD Cresser, WH Louisell, P Meystre, W Schleich, MO Scully
Physical Review A 25 (4), 2214, 1982
Weak and Ultrastrong Coupling Limits of the Quantum Mean Force Gibbs State
JD Cresser, J Anders
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127 (25), 250601, 2021
Thermal equilibrium in the Jaynes-Cummings model
JD Cresser
Journal of Modern Optics 39 (11), 2187-2192, 1992
Quantum noise in ring-laser gyros. II. Numerical results
JD Cresser, D Hammonds, WH Louisell, P Meystre, H Risken
Physical Review A 25 (4), 2226, 1982
Quantum noise in a dithered-ring-laser gyroscope
W Schleich, CS Cha, JD Cresser
Physical Review A 29 (1), 230, 1984
Markovian evolution of strongly coupled harmonic oscillators
C Joshi, P Öhberg, JD Cresser, E Andersson
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063815, 2014
Intensity correlations of frequency-filtered light fields
JD Cresser
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 20 (18), 4915, 1987
Spontaneous emission in a standing-wave cavity: Classical center-of-mass motion
W Ren, JD Cresser, HJ Carmichael
Physical Review A 46 (11), 7162, 1992
Dynamics of correlations due to a phase-noisy laser
B Bellomo, RL Franco, E Andersson, JD Cresser, G Compagno
Physica Scripta 2012 (T147), 014004, 2012
A quantum trajectory analysis of the one-atom micromaser
JD Cresser, SM Pickles
Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society …, 1996
Measurement master equation
JD Cresser, SM Barnett, J Jeffers, DT Pegg
Optics Communications 264 (2), 352-361, 2006
Geometric phase for an adiabatically evolving open quantum system
I Kamleitner, JD Cresser, BC Sanders
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 044103, 2004
Quantum-field model of the injected atomic beam in the micromaser
JD Cresser
Physical Review A 46 (9), 5913, 1992
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Articles 1–20