Charlotte Brownlow
Charlotte Brownlow
Dean Graduate Research School, University of Southern Queensland
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SPSS explained
PR Hinton, I McMurray, C Brownlow
Routledge, 2014
& Edition Human Development: A Cultural Approach
JJ Arnett
Instructor, 2016
Critical autism studies: Exploring epistemic dialogues and intersections, challenging dominant understandings of autism
L O’Dell, H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, F Ortega, C Brownlow, M Orsini
Disability & Society 31 (2), 166-179, 2016
Ethical issues for qualitative research in on-line communities
C Brownlow, L O'Dell
Disability & Society 17 (6), 685-694, 2002
Constructing an autistic identity: AS voices online
C Brownlow, L O'Dell
Mental retardation 44 (5), 315-321, 2006
Facebook-based social support and health: A systematic review.
J Gilmour, T Machin, C Brownlow, C Jeffries
Psychology of popular media 9 (3), 328, 2020
Presenting the self: Negotiating a label of autism
C Brownlow
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 35 (1), 14-21, 2010
Investigating interoception and body awareness in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder
L Fiene, C Brownlow
Autism Research 8 (6), 709-716, 2015
Doing it differently: Emancipatory autism studies within a neurodiverse academic space
H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, M Kourti, D Jackson-Perry, C Brownlow, ...
Disability & Society 34 (7-8), 1082-1101, 2019
Mapping the social geographies of autism–online and off-line narratives of neuro-shared and separate spaces
H Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, C Brownlow, L o’Dell
Disability & Society 28 (3), 367-379, 2013
Social media, rituals, and long-distance family relationship maintenance: A mixed-methods systematic review
S Abel, T Machin, C Brownlow
New Media & Society 23 (3), 632-654, 2021
Profiling autism symptomatology: An exploration of the Q-ASC parental report scale in capturing sex differences in autism
SM Simcoe, C Brownlow, MS Garnett, A Rynkiewicz, T Attwood
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48 (2), 389-403, 2018
‘Farming is not Just an Occupation [but] a Whole Lifestyle’: a qualitative examination of lifestyle and cultural factors affecting mental health help‐seeking in Australian farmers
C Vayro, C Brownlow, M Ireland, S March
Sociologia Ruralis 60 (1), 151-173, 2020
The Interoception Sensory Questionnaire (ISQ): A scale to measure interoceptive challenges in adults
L Fiene, MJ Ireland, C Brownlow
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48 (10), 3354-3366, 2018
Re-presenting autism: The construction of ‘NT syndrome’
C Brownlow
Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (3), 243-255, 2010
Support, socialise and advocate: An exploration of the stated purposes of Facebook autism groups
S Abel, T Machin, C Brownlow
Research in autism spectrum disorders 61, 10-21, 2019
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Legate, T Ngyuen, N Weinstein, A Moller, L Legault, Z Vally, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (22), 2022
Meaningful research for autistic people? Ask autistics!
R Poulsen, C Brownlow, W Lawson, E Pellicano
Autism 26 (1), 3-5, 2022
Child development a cultural approach
J Arnett, AE Maynard, C Brownlow, L Chapin, T Machin
Pearson Australia Group, 2020
Media reports of links between MMR and autism: a discourse analysis
L O'Dell, C Brownlow
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 33 (4), 194-199, 2005
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