Dennis Schoeneborn
Cited by
Cited by
Fluidity, identity, and organizationality: The communicative constitution of Anonymous
L Dobusch, D Schoeneborn
Journal of Management Studies 52 (8), 1005-1035, 2015
The Three Schools of CCO Thinking Interactive Dialogue and Systematic Comparison
D Schoeneborn, S Blaschke, F Cooren, RD McPhee, D Seidl, JR Taylor
Management Communication Quarterly 28 (2), 285-316, 2014
Talking the talk, moral entrapment, creeping commitment? Exploring narrative dynamics in corporate responsibility standardization
P Haack, D Schoeneborn, C Wickert
Organization Studies 33 (5-6), 815-845, 2012
Organization as Communication A Luhmannian Perspective
D Schoeneborn
Management Communication Quarterly 25 (4), 663-689, 2011
The communicative constitution of organization, organizing, and organizationality
D Schoeneborn, TR Kuhn, D Kärreman
Organization Studies 40 (4), 475-496, 2019
Formative perspectives on the relation between CSR communication and CSR practices: Pathways for walking, talking, and t (w) alking
D Schoeneborn, M Morsing, A Crane
Business & Society 59 (1), 5-33, 2020
Transcending transmission: Towards a constitutive perspective on CSR communication
D Schoeneborn, H Trittin
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 18 (2), 193-211, 2013
Organizations as Networks of Communication Episodes: Turning the Network Perspective Inside Out
S Blaschke, D Schoeneborn, D Seidl
Organization Studies 33 (7), 879-906, 2012
Diversity as polyphony: Reconceptualizing diversity Management from a communication-centered perspective
H Trittin, D Schoeneborn
Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2), 305-322, 2017
Summoning the spirits:: Organizational texts and the (dis) ordering properties of communication
C Vasquez, D Schoeneborn, V Sergi
Human Relations 69 (3), 629-659, 2016
Communicative constitution of organizations
D Schoeneborn, C Vásquez
The international encyclopedia of organizational communication, 1-21, 2017
Clandestine Organizations, al Qaeda, and the Paradox of (In) Visibility: A Response to Stohl and Stohl
D Schoeneborn, AG Scherer
Organization Studies 33 (7), 963-971, 2012
Imagining organization through metaphor and metonymy:: Unpacking the process-entity paradox
D Schoeneborn, C Vásquez, J Cornelissen
Human Relations 69 (4), 915-944, 2016
Is decoupling becoming decoupled from institutional theory? A commentary on Wijen
P Haack, D Schoeneborn
Academy of Management Review 40 (2), 307-310, 2015
Is decoupling becoming decoupled from institutional theory? A commentary on Wijen
P Haack, D Schoeneborn
Academy of Management Review 40 (2), 307-310, 2015
Exploring student perceptions of the hidden curriculum in responsible management education
C Høgdal, A Rasche, D Schoeneborn, L Scotti
Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1), 173-193, 2021
The pervasive power of PowerPoint: How a genre of professional communication permeates organizational communication
D Schoeneborn
Organization Studies 34 (12), 1777-1801, 2013
A bait-and-switch model of corporate social responsibility
P Haack, D Martignoni, D Schoeneborn
Academy of Management Review, 0
Organisations-trifft Kommunikationsforschung: Der Beitrag der „Communication Constitutes Organization “-Perspektive (CCO)
D Schoeneborn
Zerfaß, A., Rademacher, L., & Wehmeier, S.(Hg.): Organisationskommunikation …, 2013
Twitter and its usage for dialogic stakeholder communication by MNCs and NGOs
S Inauen, D Schoeneborn
Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives and Practice …, 2014
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Articles 1–20