Celeste Sagui
Celeste Sagui
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Cited by
Cited by
Amber 10
DA Case, TA Darden, TE Cheatham, CL Simmerling, J Wang, RE Duke, ...
University of California, 2008
Amber 10
DA Case, TA Darden, TE Cheatham, CL Simmerling, J Wang, RE Duke, ...
University of California, 2008
Amber 14
DA Case, V Babin, J Berryman, RM Betz, Q Cai, DS Cerutti, ...
University of California, 2014
Amber 2023
DA Case, HM Aktulga, K Belfon, IY Ben-Shalom, JT Berryman, SR Brozell, ...
University of California, San Francisco, 2023
Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules: long-range electrostatic effects
C Sagui, TA Darden
Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure 28 (1), 155-179, 1999
Efficient particle-mesh Ewald based approach to fixed and induced dipolar interactions
A Toukmaji, C Sagui, J Board, T Darden
The Journal of chemical physics 113 (24), 10913-10927, 2000
AMBER 10; University of California: San Francisco, 2008
DA Case, TA Darden, TE Cheatham III, CL Simmerling, J Wang, RE Duke, ...
Academic Search There is no corresponding record for this reference, 2008
AMBER 14; University of California: San Francisco, 2014
DA Case, V Babin, JT Berryman, RM Betz, Q Cai, DS Cerutti, ...
There is no corresponding record for this reference, 1-826, 2014
Classical electrostatics for biomolecular simulations
GA Cisneros, M Karttunen, P Ren, C Sagui
Chemical reviews 114 (1), 779-814, 2014
Towards an accurate representation of electrostatics in classical force fields: Efficient implementation of multipolar interactions in biomolecular simulations
C Sagui, LG Pedersen, TA Darden
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (1), 73-87, 2004
The FF14SB force field
DA Case, V Babin, JT Berryman, RM Betz, Q Cai, DS Cerutti, ...
Amber 14, 29-31, 2014
Adaptively biased molecular dynamics for free energy calculations
V Babin, C Roland, C Sagui
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (13), 2008
Multigrid methods for classical molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules
C Sagui, T Darden
The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (15), 6578-6591, 2001
AmberTools 16
DA Case, RM Betz, W Botello-Smith, DS Cerutti, TE Cheatham III, ...
University of California, San Francisco, 2016
Conformations and free energy landscapes of polyproline peptides
M Moradi, V Babin, C Roland, TA Darden, C Sagui
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (49), 20746-20751, 2009
AMBER 2018; 2018
DA Case, IY Ben-Shalom, SR Brozell, DS Cerutti, TE Cheatham III, ...
University of California, San Francisco, 2018
Surface solvation for an ion in a water cluster
DH Herce, L Perera, TA Darden, C Sagui
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (2), 2005
AMBER 14. 2014
DA Case, V Babin, J Berryman, RM Betz, Q Cai, DS Cerutti, ...
University of California, San Francisco, 2014
AMBER, version 10
DA Case, TA Darden, TE Cheatham III, CL Simmerling, J Wang, RE Duke, ...
University of California, San Francisco, CA, 2008
Kinetics of phase separation in two-dimensional systems with competing interactions
C Sagui, RC Desai
Physical Review E 49 (3), 2225, 1994
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Articles 1–20