Dr. Ban Mohammed Khammas
Dr. Ban Mohammed Khammas
Al-Nahrain University/ Collage of Information Engineering/ Department of Cybersecurity Engineering
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Cited by
Metaheuristic algorithms for PID controller parameters tuning: Review, approaches and open problems
SB Joseph, EG Dada, A Abidemi, DO Oyewola, BM Khammas
Heliyon 8 (5), 2022
Ransomware detection using random forest technique
BM Khammas
ICT Express 6 (4), 325-331, 2020
Implementation of a sigmoid activation function for neural network using FPGA
TM Jamel, BM Khammas
13th Scientific Conference of Al-Ma’moon University College 13, 1589-1591, 2012
Feature selection and machine learning classification for malware detection
BM Khammas, A Monemi, JS Bassi, I Ismail, SM Nor, MN Marsono
Jurnal Teknologi 77 (1), 2015
Malware detection using sub-signatures and machine learning technique
B Khammas
Journal of Information Security Research 9 (3), 96-106, 2018
Incorporating known malware signatures to classify new malware variants in network traffic
I Ismail, MN Marsono, BM Khammas, SM Nor
International Journal of Network Management 25 (6), 471-489, 2015
Metamorphic malware detection based on support vector machine classification of malware sub-signatures
BM Khammas, A Monemi, I Ismail, SM Nor, MN Marsono
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 14 (3 …, 2016
Accuracy improved malware detection method using snort sub-signatures and machine learning techniques
BM Khammas, S Hasan, RA Ahmed, JS Bassi, I Ismail
2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 107-112, 2018
Comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms for ransomware detection
BM Khammas
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 20 (1), 43-51, 2022
Pre-filters in-transit malware packets detection in the network
BM Khammas, I Ismail, MN Marsono
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (4 …, 2019
The performance of iot malware detection technique using feature selection and feature reduction in fog layer
BM Khammas
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 928 (2), 022047, 2020
Metaheuristic Algorithms for PID Controller Parameters Tuning: Review, Approaches and Open Problems. Heliyon 2022, 8, e09399
SB Joseph, EG Dada, A Abidemi, DO Oyewola, BM Khammas
Metaheuristic algorithms for PID controller parameters tuning: Review, approaches and open problems. Heliyon 2022; 8 (5): e09399
SB Joseph, EG Dada, A Abidemi, DO Oyewola, BM Khammas
An effective and efficient features vectors for ransomware detection via machine learning technique
NA Khalil, BM Khammas
Iraqi Journal of Information and Communication Technology 5 (3), 23-33, 2022
Metaheuristic algorithms for PID controller parameters tuning: Review, approaches and open problems. Heliyon 8, e09399
SB Joseph, EG Dada, A Abidemi, DO Oyewola, BM Khammas
Obfuscated computer virus detection using machine learning algorithm
TH Xin, I Ismail, BM Khammas
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 8 (4), 1383-1391, 2019
First line defense against spreading new malware in the network
BM Khammas, S Hasan, N Nateq, JS Bassi, I Ismail, MN Marsono
2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 113-118, 2018
Online peer-to-peer traffic identification based on complex events processing of traffic event signatures
JS Bassi, LH Ru, I Ismail, BM Khammas, MN Marsono
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (7), 2016
FPGA based neural wireless sensor network
TM Jamel, BM Khammas, MK Zibar
The 13th International Arab Conference on Information Technology, 2012
Design Neural Wireless Sensor Network Using FPGA
BM Khammas
Eng. & Tech. Journal 30 (9), 1641-1661, 2012
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Articles 1–20