Xiaohu Li
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The total time on test transform and the excess wealth stochastic orders of distributions
SC Kochar, X Li, M Shaked
Advances in Applied Probability 34, 826-845, 2002
Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk
H Li, X Li
Springer, New York, 2013
Modelling and optimizing sequential imperfect preventive maintenance
M Bartholomew-Biggs, MJ Zuo, X Li
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (1), 53-62, 2009
Stochastic comparisons on residual life and inactivity time of series and parallel systems
X Li, J Lu
Probability in the Engineering and informational Sciences 17 (2), 267-275, 2003
Ordering properties of order statistics from random variables of Archimedean copulas with applications
X Li, R Fang
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 133, 304-320, 2015
Some stochastic comparisons of conditional coherent systems
X Li, Z Zhang
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 24 (6), 541-549, 2008
Generalized Marshall-Olkin distributions and related bivariate aging properties
X Li, F Pellerey
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 102 (10), 1399-1409, 2011
Some aging properties of the residual life of k-out-of-n systems
X Li, P Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55 (3), 535-541, 2006
Stochastic comparison on general inactivity time and general residual life of k-out-of-n systems
X Li, P Zhao
Communications in Statistics -- Simulation and Computation 37 (5), 1005-1019, 2008
Some results about the NBUC class of life distributions
X Li, Z Li, BY Jing
Statistics & Probability Letters 46 (3), 229-237, 2000
Reversed hazard rate order of equilibrium distributions and a related aging notion
X Li, M Xu
Statistical Papers 49, 749-767, 2008
Likelihood ratio order of the second order statistic from independent heterogeneous exponential random variables
P Zhao, X Li, N Balakrishnan
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100 (5), 952-962, 2009
Stochastic comparisons on sample extremes of dependent and heterogenous observations
R Fang, C Li, X Li
Statistics 50 (4), 930-955, 2016
A stochastic model for quantitative security analyses of networked systems
X Li, P Parker, S Xu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 8 (1), 28-43, 2008
Likelihood ratio order of sample minimum from heterogeneous Weibull random variables
C Li, X Li
Statistics & Probability Letters 97, 46-53, 2015
Reliability analysis of a repairable k-out-of-n system with some components being suspended when the system is down
X Li, MJ Zuo, RCM Yam
Reliability engineering & System safety 91 (3), 305-310, 2006
Some new results involving the NBU(2) class of life distributions
X Li, SC Kochar
Journal of Applied Probability 38 (1), 242-247, 2001
A note on expected rent in auction theory
X Li
Operations Research Letters 33 (5), 531-534, 2005
Some new stochastic comparisons for redundancy allocations in series and parallel systems
X Li, X Hu
Statistics & Probability Letters 78 (18), 3388-3394, 2008
Preservation of stochastic orders for random minima and maxima, with applications
X Li, MJ Zuo
Naval Research Logistics 51 (3), 332-344, 2004
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Articles 1–20