Chris Tampère
Cited by
Cited by
The link transmission model for dynamic network loading
I Yperman
A generic class of first order node models for dynamic macroscopic simulation of traffic flows
CMJ Tampère, R Corthout, D Cattrysse, LH Immers
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (1), 289-309, 2011
An extended Kalman filter application for traffic state estimation using CTM with implicit mode switching and dynamic parameters
CMJ Tampère, LH Immers
2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 209-216, 2007
Assessing partial observability in network sensor location problems
F Viti, M Rinaldi, F Corman, CMJ Tampère
Transportation research part B: methodological 70, 65-89, 2014
DUET: A framework for building interoperable and trusted digital twins of smart cities
L Raes, P Michiels, T Adolphi, C Tampere, A Dalianis, S McAleer, P Kogut
IEEE Internet Computing 26 (3), 43-50, 2021
Dynamic origin–destination estimation in congested networks: theoretical findings and implications in practice
R Frederix, F Viti, CMJ Tampère
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9 (6), 494-513, 2013
Methodology for identifying vulnerable sections in a national road network
CMJ Tampere, J Stada, B Immers, E Peetermans, K Organe
Transportation Research Record 2012 (1), 1-10, 2007
New gradient approximation method for dynamic origin–destination matrix estimation on congested networks
R Frederix, F Viti, R Corthout, CMJ Tampère
Transportation Research Record 2263 (1), 19-25, 2011
An efficient iterative link transmission model
W Himpe, R Corthout, MJC Tampère
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 92, 170-190, 2016
Multicommodity link transmission model for dynamic network loading
I Yperman, S Logghe, CMJ Tampere, B Immers
Transportation Research Board 85th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2006
Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models
R Corthout, G Flötteröd, F Viti, CMJ Tampère
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (3), 343-359, 2012
Human-kinetic multiclass traffic flow theory and modelling. With application to advanced driver assistance systems in congestion
CMJ Tampère
Delft University of Technology, 2004
A behavioural approach to instability, stop and go waves, wide jams and capacity drop
C Tampere, S Hoogendoorn, B Van Arem
Transportation and traffic theory 16, 205-228, 2005
Unveiling e-bike potential for commuting trips from GPS traces
AJ Lopez, P Astegiano, S Gautama, D Ochoa, CMJ Tampère, C Beckx
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (7), 190, 2017
Human-kinetic multiclass traffic flow theory and modelling
CMJ Tampère
Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department Transport & Planning, 309, 2004
Modelling traffic flows with intelligent cars and intelligent roads
B Van Arem, CMJ Tampere, KM Malone
IEEE IV2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8683 …, 2003
Sensor locations for reliable travel time prediction and dynamic management of traffic networks
F Viti, W Verbeke, CMJ Tampère
Transportation Research Record 2049 (1), 103-110, 2008
Gas-kinetic traffic flow modeling including continuous driver behavior models
CMJ Tampère, B Van Arem, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation research record 1852 (1), 231-238, 2003
Continuous traffic flow modeling of driver support systems in multiclass traffic with intervehicle communication and drivers in the loop
CMJ Tampere, SP Hoogendoorn, B Van Arem
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 10 (4), 649-657, 2009
Macroscopic effects of reaction time on traffic flow characteristics
D Ngoduy, C Tampere
Physica Scripta 80 (2), 025802, 2009
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Articles 1–20