Pablo Musé
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Cited by
Multiscale InSAR time series (MInTS) analysis of surface deformation
EA Hetland, P Musé, M Simons, YN Lin, PS Agram, CJ DiCaprio
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B2), 2012
A multiscale approach to estimating topographically correlated propagation delays in radar interferograms
YN Lin, M Simons, EA Hetland, P Muse, C DiCaprio
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (9), 2010
Toward a combined tool to assist dermatologists in melanoma detection from dermoscopic images of pigmented skin lesions
G Capdehourat, A Corez, A Bazzano, R Alonso, P Musé
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (16), 2187-2196, 2011
Multiscale estimation of GPS velocity fields
C Tape, P Musé, M Simons, D Dong, F Webb
Geophysical Journal International 179 (2), 945-971, 2009
A theory of shape identification
F Cao, JL Lisani, JM Morel, P Musé, F Sur
Springer 1948, XII, 264 p., 2008
An A Contrario Decision Method for Shape Element Recognition
P Musé, F Sur, F Cao, Y Gousseau, JM Morel
International Journal of Computer Vision 69, 295-315, 2006
In-flight CCD distortion calibration for pushbroom satellites based on subpixel correlation
S Leprince, P Musé, JP Avouac
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (9), 2675-2683, 2008
Ole: Orthogonal low-rank embedding-a plug and play geometric loss for deep learning
J Lezama, Q Qiu, P Musé, G Sapiro
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Extracting meaningful curves from images
F Cao, P Musé, F Sur
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 22, 159-181, 2005
Boosting Monte Carlo rendering by ray histogram fusion
M Delbracio, P Musé, A Buades, J Chauvier, N Phelps, JM Morel
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 33 (1), 1-15, 2014
Changes in postural control parameters after vestibular rehabilitation in patients with central vestibular disorders
H Suarez, M Arocena, A Suarez, TA De Artagaveytia, P Muse, J Gil
Acta oto-laryngologica 123 (2), 143-147, 2003
A unified framework for detecting groups and application to shape recognition
F Cao, J Delon, A Desolneux, P Musé, F Sur
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 27, 91-119, 2007
The non-parametric sub-pixel local point spread function estimation is a well posed problem
M Delbracio, P Musé, A Almansa, JM Morel
International journal of computer vision 96, 175-194, 2012
Best algorithms for HDR image generation. A study of performance bounds
C Aguerrebere, J Delon, Y Gousseau, P Musé
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (1), 1-34, 2014
Unsupervised thresholds for shape matching
P Musé, F Sur, F Cao, Y Gousseau
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2003
A Bayesian hyperprior approach for joint image denoising and interpolation, with an application to HDR imaging
C Aguerrebere, A Almansa, J Delon, Y Gousseau, P Musé
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 3 (4), 633-646, 2017
Robust multimodal graph matching: Sparse coding meets graph matching
M Fiori, P Sprechmann, J Vogelstein, P Musé, G Sapiro
Advances in neural information processing systems 26, 2013
Brightness-dependent Tarpley model for global solar radiation estimation using GOES satellite images: Application to Uruguay
RA Suárez, G Abal, R Siri, P Musé
Solar Energy 86 (11), 3205-3215, 2012
Single shot high dynamic range imaging using piecewise linear estimators
C Aguerrebere, A Almansa, Y Gousseau, J Delon, P Musé
2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 1-10, 2014
Study of the digital camera acquisition process and statistical modeling of the sensor raw data
C Aguerrebere, J Delon, Y Gousseau, P Musé
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Articles 1–20