Indah Puspasari Kiay Demak
Indah Puspasari Kiay Demak
Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University
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Hubungan Umur, Jenis Kelamin Mahasiswa Dan Pendapatan Orang Tua Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sarjana Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fkik Universitas Tadulako
IPK Demak, S Suherman
Medika Tadulako: Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu …, 2016
Patient satisfaction: Public vs. private hospital in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
D Mutiarasari, IPK Demak, EY Bangkele, R Nur, T Setyawati
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S186-S190, 2021
The effect of moringa leaf extracton increasing hemoglobin and bodyweight in post-disaster pregnant women
R Nur, IPK Demak, S Radhiah, M Rusydi, E Mantao, RD Larasati
Enfermería Clínica 30, 79-82, 2020
Kecemasan pada mahasiswa angkatan 2010 yang mengerjakan tugas akhir program studi pendidikan dokter FKIK UNTAD tahun 2010
V Listanto, IPK Demak
Medika Tadulako: Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu …, 2015
Hubungan tingkat kecemasan dalam menghadapi ujian blok dengan nilai ujian mahasiswa kedokteran tahun kedua Universitas Tadulako
IPK Demak, DN Muharam, M Salman
Molucca Medica, 11-17, 2019
Early-age marriage and the impact of health reproduction women
R Nur, A Mallongi, IK Demak
J Eng Appl Sci 14, 981-986, 2019
Effect of moringa oleifera cookies to improve quality of breastmilk
I Puspasari, A Mallongi, E Yane, A Sekarani
Enfermeria Clinica 30, 99-103, 2020
Hubungan self directed learning readiness dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa tahun pertama program studi pendidikan dokter FKIK UNTAD
IPK Demak, TA Pasambo
Medika Tadulako: Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu …, 2016
Uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun mangga bacang (Mangifera foetida l.) terhadap Escherichia coli secara in vitro
A Nuryanti
Jurnal Mahasiswa PSPD FK Universitas Tanjungpura 1 (1), 2014
Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Vaksinasi Covid-19 Di Area Kerja Puskesmas Donggala
V Virgiana, A Munawwir, IPK Demak
Preventif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 12 (2), 366-366, 2021
The smart book effect of pregnancy–postpartum care towards the husband’s knowledge and reduction of reproductive health problems
P Indonesia
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review 22 (2), 133-139, 2020
Response times and patient satisfaction in emergency room at Anutapura General Hospital, city of Palu
D Mutiarasari, I Puspasari
Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion 2 (05), 152-157, 2019
Learning media development of the cheap skin-based model for medical faculty students at Tadulako University
WY Muhlasin, F Handayani, IPK Demak, Y Fitriana
Research and Development in Education (RaDEn) 2 (1), 12-18, 2022
Perbedaan Tingkat Pemahaman Dalam Pembelajaran Anatomi Yang Menggunakan Preparat Basah (Kadaver) Dengan Preparat Kering Pada Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Tadulako
IPK Demak, P Sari, FJ Tandirerung
Healthy Tadulako Journal (Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako) 4 (3), 30-36, 2018
Pengaruh efektivitas Aplikasi M-Posyandu dalam deteksi dini masalah gizi pada balita di Kota Palu
K Suarayasa, IPK Demak, EY Bangkele, Y Minansal
Jurnal Impresi Indonesia 1 (2), 57-65, 2022
The effect of moringa leaf extract in increasing Hb levels of pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic in Parigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
R Nur, IPK Demak, EB Yane
International Journal of Health Sciences, 6019-6028, 2022
Mother's Behavior in Pregnancy-Puerperal Treatments and Reproductive Health Disorders.
S Mamar, IPK Demak, M Rusydi
Medico-Legal Update 20 (1), 2020
Husban behavior in pregnancy-postpartum care and wife’s reproductive health
R Nur, S Mamar, IPK Demak, NS Patui, M Rusydi
KnE Life Sciences, 349–359-349–359, 2019
Analysis of risk factors in the post-disaster of diarrhea in Donggala district, Indonesia
RD Wahyuni, D Mutiarasari, IPK Demak, SA Pasinringi, A Mallongi
Enfermeria Clinica 30, 75-78, 2020
Fadliah, Elli B. Yane, Nurhaya S. Patui, Marselina, H. Muhammad Rusydi, Muhammad Asep Dwitama and R. Erina Thursina, Early-Age Marriage and the Impact of Health Reproduction Women
R Nur, A Mallongi, IPK Demak
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14, 981-986, 2019
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Articles 1–20