Ali Hakan Ulusoy
Cited by
Cited by
Trust aware support vector machine intrusion detection and prevention system in vehicular ad hoc networks
EA Shams, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
Computers & Security 78, 245-254, 2018
Using data mining to predict instructor performance
AM Ahmed, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
Procedia Computer Science 102, 137-142, 2016
A novel context-aware feature extraction method for convolutional neural network-based intrusion detection systems
EA Shams, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (20), 13647-13665, 2021
A novel decision tree classification based on post-pruning with Bayes minimum risk
AM Ahmed, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
Plos one 13 (4), e0194168, 2018
A decision tree algorithm combined with linear regression for data classification
AM Ahmed, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
2018 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical, and …, 2018
Development of a knowledge‐based medical expert system to infer supportive treatment suggestions for pediatric patients
D Celik Ertugrul, AH Ulusoy
ETRI Journal 41 (4), 515-527, 2019
Impact of impulsive noise on millimeter wave cellular systems performance
LMH Shhab, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy, H Amca
2017 10th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz …, 2017
Barzilai-Borwein Gradient Algorithm based Alternating Minimization for Single User Millimeter Wave Systems
M Mulla, AH Ulusoy, A Rizaner, H Amca
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 9 (4), 508-512, 2020
Channel estimation by using short training sequences in CDMA systems
A Rizaner, H Amca, K Hacıoğlu, AH Ulusoy
Wireless Personal Communications 34, 359-371, 2005
Channel estimation using short training sequences
A Rizaner, HA Amca, K Hacioglu, AH Ulusoy
Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2000. IEEE VTS Fall VTC2000. 52nd …, 2000
A Novel µ-law Nonlinear Companding with Modified Recoverable Upper Clipping Method for PAPR Reduction in ACO-OFDM VLC Systems
M Ramazan, H Amca, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
Optik 282, 170890, 2023
Adaptive path selective fuzzy decorrelating detector under impulsive noise for multipath fading CDMA systems
AH Ulusoy, A Rizaner
IEEE communications letters 12 (4), 228-230, 2008
Decorrelating detector for asynchronous CDMA channels with adaptive path selection
AH Ulusoy, HA Amca, K Hacıoglu, A Rizaner
IEE Proceedings-Communications 149 (3), 167-170, 2002
Flow-based intrusion detection system in vehicular ad hoc network using context-aware feature extraction
EA Shams, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy
Vehicular Communications 41, 100585, 2023
Suppressing the Effect of Impulsive Noise on Millimeter-Wave Communications Systems.
L Shhab, A Rizaner, AH Ulusoy, H Amca
Radioengineering 29 (2), 2020
An overview of energy-efficient cloud data centres
L Alsbatin, G Öz, AH Ulusoy
2017 International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), 211-214, 2017
Wireless security in mobile health
O Osunmuyiwa, AH Ulusoy
Telemedicine and e-Health 18 (10), 810-814, 2012
Investigation of delay tolerant network routing protocols with energy consumption analysis
FMH Alusta
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)-Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ), 2018
A novel physical machine overload detection algorithm combined with quiescing for dynamic virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers.
L Alsbatin, G Öz, AH Ulusoy
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 17 (3), 358-366, 2020
Efficient Virtual Machine Placement Algorithms for Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers
GÖAHU Loiy Alsbatin
Computer Science and Information Systems 17 (1), 29-50, 2020
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Articles 1–20