Brian Klingbeil
Cited by
Cited by
Creation of forest edges has a global impact on forest vertebrates
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, CA Peres, C Banks-Leite, OR Wearn, CJ Marsh, ...
Nature 551 (7679), 187-191, 2017
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals
MG Betts, C Wolf, M Pfeifer, C Banks-Leite, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, ...
Science 366 (6470), 1236-1239, 2019
Guild-specific responses of bats to landscape composition and configuration in fragmented Amazonian rainforest
BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
Journal of applied ecology, 203-213, 2009
Multiple dimensions of bat biodiversity along an extensive tropical elevational gradient
LM Cisneros, KR Burgio, LM Dreiss, BT Klingbeil, BD Patterson, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 83 (5), 1124-1136, 2014
Bird biodiversity assessments in temperate forest: the value of point count versus acoustic monitoring protocols.
BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
PeerJ 3 (e973), 2015
Seasonal differences in population‐, ensemble‐and community‐level responses of bats to landscape structure in Amazonia
BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
Oikos 119 (10), 1654-1664, 2010
Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic dimensions of rodent biodiversity along an extensive tropical elevational gradient
LM Dreiss, KR Burgio, LM Cisneros, BT Klingbeil, BD Patterson, ...
Ecography 38 (9), 876-888, 2015
Tropical metacommunities along elevational gradients: effects of forest type and other environmental factors
MR Willig, SJ Presley, CP Bloch, I Castro‐Arellano, LM Cisneros, ...
Oikos 120 (10), 1497-1508, 2011
Landscape ecology of mammals
SJ Presley, LM Cisneros, BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
Journal of Mammalogy 100 (3), 1044-1068, 2019
BIOFRAG–a new database for analyzing BIO diversity responses to forest FRAG mentation
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, TA Gardner, V Arroyo‐Rodriguez, L Baeten, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (9), 1524-1537, 2014
A complex metacommunity structure for gastropods along an elevational gradient
SJ Presley, MR Willig, CP Bloch, I Castro‐Arellano, CL Higgins, ...
Biotropica 43 (4), 480-488, 2011
Matrix composition and landscape heterogeneity structure multiple dimensions of biodiversity in temperate forest birds
BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
Biodiversity and conservation 25, 2687-2708, 2016
Phylogenetic and functional underdispersion in Neotropical phyllostomid bat communities
SJ Presley, LM Cisneros, CL Higgins, BT Klingbeil, SM Scheiner, ...
Biotropica 50 (1), 135-145, 2018
Community assembly in temperate forest birds: habitat filtering, interspecific interactions and priority effects
BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
Evolutionary Ecology 30, 703-722, 2016
Anthropogenic factors and habitat complexity influence biodiversity but wave exposure drives species turnover of a subtropical rocky inter‐tidal metacommunity
CP Bloch, BT Klingbeil
Marine Ecology 37 (1), 64-76, 2016
Geographical associations with anthropogenic noise pollution for North American breeding birds
BT Klingbeil, FA La Sorte, CA Lepczyk, D Fink, CH Flather
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (1), 148-158, 2020
Phylogenetic supertree and functional trait database for all extant parrots
KR Burgio, KE Davis, LM Dreiss, LM Cisneros, BT Klingbeil, SJ Presley, ...
Data in brief 24, 103882, 2019
Exposure to noise pollution across North American passerines supports the noise filter hypothesis
GC Cardoso, BT Klingbeil, FA La Sorte, CA Lepczyk, D Fink, CH Flather
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2020
Phylogenetic signals in host–parasite associations for Neotropical bats and Nearctic desert rodents
SJ Presley, T Dallas, BT Klingbeil, MR Willig
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116 (2), 312-327, 2015
High uncertainty over the future of tidal marsh birds under current sea-level rise projections
BT Klingbeil, JB Cohen, MD Correll, CR Field, TP Hodgman, AI Kovach, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-13, 2021
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Articles 1–20