John Chalker
John Chalker
Professor of Physics, Oxford University
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Percolation, quantum tunnelling and the integer Hall effect
JT Chalker, PD Coddington
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21 (14), 2665, 1988
Properties of a classical spin liquid: the Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet
R Moessner, JT Chalker
Physical review letters 80 (13), 2929, 1998
Hidden order in a frustrated system: Properties of the Heisenberg Kagomé antiferromagnet
JT Chalker, PCW Holdsworth, EF Shender
Physical review letters 68 (6), 855, 1992
Low-temperature properties of classical geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets
R Moessner, JT Chalker
Physical Review B 58 (18), 12049, 1998
Exact results for interacting electrons in high Landau levels
R Moessner, JT Chalker
Physical Review B 54 (7), 5006, 1996
Dynamics of a two-dimensional quantum spin liquid: signatures of emergent Majorana fermions and fluxes
J Knolle, DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker, R Moessner
Physical Review Letters 112 (20), 207203, 2014
Solution of a minimal model for many-body quantum chaos
A Chan, A De Luca, JT Chalker
Physical Review X 8 (4), 041019, 2018
Scaling, diffusion, and the integer quantized hall effect
JT Chalker, GJ Daniell
Physical review letters 61 (5), 593, 1988
Deconfined quantum criticality, scaling violations, and classical loop models
A Nahum, JT Chalker, P Serna, M Ortuño, AM Somoza
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041048, 2015
Spectral statistics in spatially extended chaotic quantum many-body systems
A Chan, A De Luca, JT Chalker
Physical review letters 121 (6), 060601, 2018
Order induced by dipolar interactions in a geometrically frustrated antiferromagnet
SE Palmer, JT Chalker
Physical Review B 62 (1), 488, 2000
Eigenvector statistics in non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles
JT Chalker, B Mehlig
Physical review letters 81 (16), 3367, 1998
Emergent SO (5) symmetry at the Néel to valence-bond-solid transition
A Nahum, P Serna, JT Chalker, M Ortuño, AM Somoza
Physical review letters 115 (26), 267203, 2015
Three-dimensional disordered conductors in a strong magnetic field: Surface states and quantum hall plateaus
JT Chalker, A Dohmen
Physical review letters 75 (24), 4496, 1995
Dynamics of fractionalization in quantum spin liquids
J Knolle, DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker, R Moessner
Physical Review B 92 (11), 115127, 2015
Unified model for two localization problems: Electron states in spin-degenerate Landau levels and in a random magnetic field
DKK Lee, JT Chalker
Physical review letters 72 (10), 1510, 1994
Scaling and eigenfunction correlations near a mobility edge
JT Chalker
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 167 (1), 253-258, 1990
Bosonic excitations in random media
V Gurarie, JT Chalker
Physical Review B 68 (13), 134207, 2003
Spectral statistics and many-body quantum chaos with conserved charge
AJ Friedman, A Chan, A De Luca, JT Chalker
Physical Review Letters 123 (21), 210603, 2019
Two-dimensional random-bond Ising model, free fermions, and the network model
F Merz, JT Chalker
Physical Review B 65 (5), 054425, 2002
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Articles 1–20