Ming Tao
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Cited by
Failure mechanism and coupled static-dynamic loading theory in deep hard rock mining: a review
X Li, F Gong, M Tao, L Dong, K Du, C Ma, Z Zhou, T Yin
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (4), 767-782, 2017
Experimental study on acoustic emission (AE) characteristics and crack classification during rock fracture in several basic lab tests
K Du, X Li, M Tao, S Wang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 133, 104411, 2020
Experimental study of slabbing and rockburst induced by true-triaxial unloading and local dynamic disturbance
K Du, M Tao, X Li, J Zhou
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 3437-3453, 2016
Experimental simulation investigation on rockburst induced by spalling failure in deep circular tunnels
F Gong, Y Luo, X Li, X Si, M Tao
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 81, 413-427, 2018
Experimental investigation of rock breakage by a conical pick and its application to non-explosive mechanized mining in deep hard rock
S Wang, X Li, J Yao, F Gong, X Li, K Du, M Tao, L Huang, S Du
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 122, 104063, 2019
Dynamic stress concentration and energy evolution of deep-buried tunnels under blasting loads
X Li, C Li, W Cao, M Tao
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 104, 131-146, 2018
Dynamic response of pre-stressed rock with a circular cavity subject to transient loading
M Tao, A Ma, W Cao, X Li, F Gong
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 99, 1-8, 2017
Characteristics of the unloading process of rocks under high initial stress
M Tao, X Li, C Wu
Computers and Geotechnics 45, 83-92, 2012
Failure properties of cubic granite, marble, and sandstone specimens under true triaxial stress
K Du, C Yang, R Su, M Tao, S Wang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 130, 104309, 2020
Mesoscale study of steel fibre-reinforced ultra-high performance concrete under static and dynamic loads
Y Su, J Li, C Wu, P Wu, M Tao, X Li
Materials & Design 116, 340-351, 2017
Effects of height/diameter ratio on failure and damage properties of granite under coupled bending and splitting deformation
D Ma, J Wang, X Cai, X Ma, J Zhang, Z Zhou, M Tao
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 220, 106640, 2019
Failure characteristics and stress distribution of pre-stressed rock specimen with circular cavity subjected to dynamic loading
M Tao, H Zhao, X Li, X Li, K Du
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 81, 1-15, 2018
Vibrations induced by high initial stress release during underground excavations
W Cao, X Li, M Tao, Z Zhou
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 53, 78-95, 2016
Water–sediment two-phase flow inrush hazard in rock fractures of overburden strata during coal mining
D Ma, H Duan, W Liu, X Ma, M Tao
Mine Water and the Environment 39 (2), 308-319, 2020
Rock failure induced by dynamic unloading under 3D stress state
M Tao, X Li, D Li
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 65, 47-54, 2013
Mechanical behavior of rock-shotcrete interface under static and dynamic tensile loads
L Luo, X Li, M Tao, L Dong
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65, 215-224, 2017
Influence of unloading disturbance on adjacent tunnels
X Li, W Cao, M Tao, Z Zhou, Z Chen
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 84, 10-24, 2016
Life cycle assessment on lead–zinc ore mining and beneficiation in China
M Tao, X Zhang, S Wang, W Cao, Y Jiang
Journal of Cleaner Production 237, 117833, 2019
Life cycle assessment of underground coal mining in China
M Tao, W Cheng, K Nie, X Zhang, W Cao
Science of the total environment 805, 150231, 2022
Experimental study of the triaxial strength properties of hollow cylindrical granite specimens under coupled external and internal confining stresses
S Wang, X Li, K Du, S Wang, M Tao
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 2015-2031, 2018
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Articles 1–20