John R Taylor
John R Taylor
MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour, and Development, Western Sydney University
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The e-portfolio continuum: Discovering variables for e-portfolio adoption within music education
J Taylor, P Dunbar-Hall, JL Rowley
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 28 (8), 2012
Choosing the best robot for the job: Affinity bias in human-robot interaction
T Trainer, JR Taylor, CJ Stanton
Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Golden, CO, USA …, 2020
New musical interfaces for older adults in residential care: assessing a user centred design approach
JR Taylor, AJ Milne, & J Macritchie
Disability And Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2021
Going online: Successes and challenges in delivering group music instrument and aural learning for older adult musical novices during the COVID-19 pandemic
J MacRitchie, A Chmiel, M Radnan, JR Taylor, RT Dean
Musicae Scientiae 27 (3), 596-615, 10.1177/10298649221097953, 2022
Influence of a continuous affect ratings task on listening time for unfamiliar art music
JR Taylor, RT Dean
Journal of New Music Research 50 (3), 242-258, 2021
Exploring older adult needs and preferences for technology-assisted group music-making. A qualitative analysis of data collected during the participatory user-centred design …
J MacRitchie, M Breaden, JR Taylor, AJ Milne
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 19 (5), 1935-1944, 2024
It's a Disaster! Factors Affecting Trust Development and Repair Following Agent Task Failure
C Sharifheravi, M., Taylor, J. R., Stanton, C. J., Lambeth, S., & Shanahan
Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), 2020
Encouraging attention and exploration in a hybrid recommender system for libraries of unfamiliar music
JR Taylor, RT Dean
Music & Science 2, 2059204319893179, 2019
A new approach to the timbral representation of a nine-piece jazz drum set
JR Taylor
Resonancias 19 (36), 55-93, 2014
’Music education students and ePortfolios: a case study in the ‘digital natives’ debate’
J Taylor, P Dunbar-Hall, J Rowley
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 28 (8), 1362-1381, 2012
Designing a computer model of drumming: The biomechanics of percussive performance
JR Taylor
Human-Technology choreographies: Body, movement, and space in expressive …, 2017
A music teacher's development - documenting the journey for accreditation
J Rowley, P Dunbar-Hall, M Bell, JR Taylor
Making the case: More effective practice with PebblePad. A collection of …, 2012
Music Education and ePortfolios: New Thinking for the Preparation of Music Teachers
P Dunbar-Hall, J Rowley, M Bell, JR Taylor
30th ISME World Conference on Music Education: Music Paedeia: From Ancient …, 2012
Continuous affect responses to a large diverse set of unfamiliar music: Bayesian time-series and cluster analyses.
RT Dean, JR Taylor
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 2023
Building Professional Capabilities: ePortfolios as Developmental Ecosystems
J Taylor, J Rowley
ePortfolios in Australian Universities, 191-203, 2016
Expressions of robot confidence and their effect on trust and acceptance of recommendations
Y Acar, JR Taylor, C Stanton
Proceedings of the 2021 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2021
The Active Minds Music Ensemble: Learning music online and in person
J Macritchie, A Chmiel, JR Taylor, M Radnan, CJ Stevens, RT Dean
International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC16), 2021
An ARTISAN perspective for software development, commercialisation and artistic co-creation: a case study
JR Taylor
Information Systems and Management in Media and Entertainment Industries, 3-24, 2016
Making Music Learning Fun - Designing an Interactive iBook for informal learning
J Humberstone, JR Taylor
ACMC2015 - MAKE! Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australasian …, 2015
Ontology of Music Performance Variation
JR Taylor
Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 2015
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Articles 1–20