Milad Makkie
Cited by
Cited by
Modeling task fMRI data via deep convolutional autoencoder
H Huang, X Hu, Y Zhao, M Makkie, Q Dong, S Zhao, L Guo, T Liu
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (7), 1551-1561, 2017
Modeling 4D fMRI data via spatio-temporal convolutional neural networks (ST-CNN)
Y Zhao, X Li, W Zhang, S Zhao, M Makkie, M Zhang, Q Li, T Liu
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Four-dimensional modeling of fmri data via spatio–temporal convolutional neural networks (st-cnns)
Y Zhao, X Li, H Huang, W Zhang, S Zhao, M Makkie, M Zhang, Q Li, T Liu
IEEE transactions on cognitive and developmental systems 12 (3), 451-460, 2019
Fast and scalable distributed deep convolutional autoencoder for fMRI big data analytics
M Makkie, H Huang, Y Zhao, AV Vasilakos, T Liu
Neurocomputing 325, 20-30, 2019
Constructing fine-granularity functional brain network atlases via deep convolutional autoencoder
Y Zhao, Q Dong, H Chen, A Iraji, Y Li, M Makkie, Z Kou, T Liu
Medical image analysis 42, 200-211, 2017
Scalable fast rank-1 dictionary learning for fMRI big data analysis
X Li, M Makkie, B Lin, M Sedigh Fazli, I Davidson, J Ye, T Liu, S Quinn
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2016
A distributed computing platform for fMRI big data analytics
M Makkie, X Li, S Quinn, B Lin, J Ye, G Mon, T Liu
IEEE transactions on big data 5 (2), 109-119, 2018
Signal sampling for efficient sparse representation of resting state FMRI data
TL Bao Ge, Milad Makkie, Jin Wang, Shijie Zhao, Xi Jiang, Xiang Li, Jinglei ...
Brain Imaging and Behavior, 1-17, 2015
HAFNI-enabled largescale platform for neuroimaging informatics (HELPNI)
M Makkie, S Zhao, X Jiang, J Lv, Y Zhao, B Ge, X Li, J Han, T Liu
Brain informatics 2, 225-238, 2015
Davidson. I
X Li, M Makkie, B Lin, M Sedigh Fazli
Ye, J., et al, 511-519, 2016
& Quinn, S.(2016)
X Li, M Makkie, B Lin, MS Fazli, I Davidson, J Ye
Scalable Fast Rank-1 Dictionary Learning for fMRI Big Data Analysis, 0
Distributed rank-1 dictionary learning: Towards fast and scalable solutions for fMRI big data analytics
M Makkie, X Li, T Liu, S Quinn, B Lin, J Ye
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3396-3403, 2016
Template-guided functional network identification via supervised dictionary learning
Y Zhao, X Li, M Makkie, S Quinn, B Lin, J Ye, T Liu
2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017), 72-76, 2017
Implementing dictionary learning in Apache Flink, Or: How I learned to relax and love iterations
G Mon, M Makkie, X Li, T Liu, S Quinn
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2363-2367, 2016
Operational Alarm Prediction
K Moon, M Makkie, M Burd, P Nordh
prior art database, 2021
A distributed cloud-based platform for FMRI big data analytics.
M Makkie
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, 2018
A cloud-based distributed deep learning platform for neuroimaging bigdata analytics
M Makkie, T Liu
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Med-Nips Workshop, 2017
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Articles 1–17