Joanna K Bluemel
Joanna K Bluemel
Centre for Environment Fisheries & Aquaculture
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Cited by
Integrating vibrational signals, mitochondrial DNA and morphology for species determination in the genus Aphrodes (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
JK Bluemel, M Derlink, P Pavlovčič, ISARM RUSSO, R Andrew King, ...
Systematic Entomology 39 (2), 304-324, 2014
Decline in Atlantic wolffish Anarhichas lupus in the North Sea: Impacts of fishing pressure and climate change
JK Bluemel, SH Fischer, DW Kulka, CP Lynam, JR Ellis
Journal of Fish Biology 100 (1), 253-267, 2022
Mesoscale productivity fronts and local fishing opportunities in the European Seas
JN Druon, D Gascuel, M Gibin, A Zanzi, JM Fromentin, F Colloca, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (6), 1227-1247, 2021
Cryptic biodiversity and phylogeographic patterns of Seychellois Ligia isopods
CA Santamaria, JK Bluemel, N Bunbury, M Curran
PeerJ 5, e3894, 2017
Primers for identification of type and other archived specimens of Aphrodes leafhoppers (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae)
JK Bluemel, R Andrew King, M VIRANT‐DOBERLET, WOC Symondson
Molecular Ecology Resources 11 (5), 770-774, 2011
Paris Agreement could prevent regional mass extinctions of coral species
E Couce, B Cowburn, D Clare, JK Bluemel
Global Change Biology 29 (13), 3794-3805, 2023
Evaluating the software I3S Pattern for photo-identification of nesting hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata)
K Steinmetz, I Webster, D Rowat, JK Bluemel
Marine Turtle Newsletter 155, 15-19, 2018
An aerial view: Insights into the effects of ecotourism on the behavior of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) in Seychelles
JK Bluemel, GCA French, D Rowat
PeerJ PrePrints, 2013
Introgressive hybridisation and incipient ecological speciation amongst saltmarsh Aphrodes leafhoppers
JK Bluemel
Cardiff University, 2011
Predicting effect of changes in ‘fishable’areas on fish and fisheries
F Bastardie, MT Spedicato, I Bitetto, G Romagnoni, W Zupa, J Letschert, ...
Technical University of Denmark, 2023
Ecosystem-based management of coral reefs from afar–A guide for remote scientists and remote places
B Cowburn, K Alliji, JK Bluemel, E Couce, E Lawrance, E McManus, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 139, 29-38, 2023
Whale Shark Aggregation Demographics and Distribution off Djibouti
D Rowat, JK Bluemel, GCA March, Abi, French
3rd International Whale Shark Conference, 2013
Assessing change in the occurrence of rare species using the binomial distribution
WN Probst, CP Lynam, JK Bluemel, M Clarke
Ecological Indicators 156, 111084, 2023
Developing appropriate conservation measures for the seasonal whale shark feeding aggregation in Seychelles using ecological modeling tools
GCA French, J Bluemel, D Rowat
Proceedings of the 3rd International Whale Shark Conference, 35, 2013
SEAwise report on effects of spatial management measures suggested in SEAwise to safeguard species, habitats and choke species on fisheries selectivity and fuel cost
F Bastardie, A Rindorf, L Batts, L Binch, I Bitetto, JK Bluemel, D Damalas, ...
Technical University of Denmark, 2024
SEAwise Report on consistency of existing targets and limits for indicators in an ecosystem context
A Kempf, M Taylor, B Kuhn, E Brown, V Trijoulet, M Vinther, R Girardin, ...
Rétablissement des espèces de poissons sensibles
CP Lynam, J Bluemel, N Probst
OSPAR, 2023
Workshop 2 on Fish Distribution (WKFISHDISH2; outputs from 2022 meeting)
F Bastardie, A Baudron, C Berg, A Berger, L Binch, I Bitetto, C Blanco, ...
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), 2023
Recovery of Sensitive Fish Species
CP Lynam, J Bluemel, N Probst
OSPAR, 2023
SEAwise Report on the key species and habitats impacted by fishing
E Beukhof, G Piet, S Uhlmann, EJ Brown, A Astarloa, G Van Hoey, ...
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Articles 1–20