Yuchu Qin
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Cited by
Status, comparison, and future of the representations of additive manufacturing data
Y Qin, Q Qi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Computer-Aided Design 111, 44-64, 2019
A novel learning-based feature recognition method using multiple sectional view representation
P Shi, Q Qi, Y Qin, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 31, 1291-1309, 2020
Automatically generating assembly tolerance types with an ontology-based approach
Y Zhong, Y Qin, M Huang, W Lu, W Gao, Y Du
Computer-Aided Design 45 (11), 1253-1275, 2013
Towards an ontology-supported case-based reasoning approach for computer-aided tolerance specification
Y Qin, W Lu, Q Qi, X Liu, M Huang, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Knowledge-Based Systems 141, 129-147, 2018
Enriching the semantics of variational geometric constraint data with ontology
W Lu, Y Qin, X Liu, M Huang, L Zhou, X Jiang
Computer-Aided Design 63, 72-85, 2015
An additive manufacturing process selection approach based on fuzzy Archimedean weighted power Bonferroni aggregation operators
Y Qin, Q Qi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 64, 101926, 2020
Determination of optimal build orientation for additive manufacturing using Muirhead mean and prioritised average operators
Y Qin, Q Qi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 30, 3015-3034, 2019
Automatic determination of part build orientation for laser powder bed fusion
Y Qin, Q Qi, P Shi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 16 (1), 29-49, 2021
Intersecting Machining Feature Localization and Recognition via Single Shot Multibox Detector
P Shi, Q Qi, Y Qin, PJ Scott, X Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (5), 3292-3302, 2021
A review of representation models of tolerance information
Y Qin, Q Qi, W Lu, X Liu, PJ Scott, X Jiang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 2193-2206, 2018
Status, issues, and future of computer-aided part orientation for additive manufacturing
Y Qin, Q Qi, P Shi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115, 1295-1328, 2021
Automatic generation of alternative build orientations for laser powder bed fusion based on facet clustering
Y Qin, Q Qi, P Shi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 15 (3), 307-324, 2020
Constructing a meta-model for assembly tolerance types with a description logic based approach
Y Zhong, Y Qin, M Huang, W Lu, L Chang
Computer-Aided Design 48, 1-16, 2014
Dombi power partitioned Heronian mean operators of q-rung orthopair fuzzy numbers for multiple attribute group decision making
Y Zhong, H Gao, X Guo, Y Qin, M Huang, X Luo
Plos One 14 (10), e0222007, 2019
Highly interacting machining feature recognition via small sample learning
P Shi, Q Qi, Y Qin, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 73, 102260, 2022
Archimedean Muirhead Aggregation Operators of q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Numbers for Multicriteria Group Decision Making
Y Qin, X Cui, M Huang, Y Zhong, Z Tang, P Shi
Complexity 2019, 3103741, 2019
Status, Comparison, and Issues of Computer-Aided Design Model Data Exchange Methods Based on Standardized Neutral Files and Web Ontology Language File
Y Qin, W Lu, Q Qi, X Liu, Y Zhong, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 17 (1), 010801, 2017
Multiple criteria decision making based on weighted Archimedean power partitioned Bonferroni aggregation operators of generalised orthopair membership grades
Y Qin, Q Qi, PJ Scott, X Jiang
Soft Computing 24, 12329-12355, 2020
Description logic-based automatic generation of geometric tolerance zones
Y Qin, W Lu, X Liu, M Huang, L Zhou, X Jiang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 79, 1221-1237, 2015
Selecting a semantic similarity measure for concepts in two different CAD model data ontologies
W Lu, Y Qin, Q Qi, W Zeng, Y Zhong, X Liu, X Jiang
Advanced Engineering Informatics 30 (3), 449-466, 2016
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Articles 1–20