Azadeh Abdollahnejad
Azadeh Abdollahnejad
Project Manager, Geosystems Hellas
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Cited by
Determining tree height and crown diameter from high-resolution UAV imagery
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad, P Surový, V Chiteculo
International journal of remote sensing 38 (8-10), 2392-2410, 2017
Tree species classification and health status assessment for a mixed broadleaf-conifer forest with UAS multispectral imaging
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis
Remote Sensing 12 (22), 3722, 2020
3D point cloud fusion from UAV and TLS to assess temperate managed forest structures
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad, M Slavík
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 112 …, 2022
Forest canopy density assessment using different approaches-review.
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový
Estimation and extrapolation of tree parameters using spectral correlation between UAV and Pléiades data
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový
Forests 9 (2), 85, 2018
Prediction of dominant forest tree species using quickbird and environmental data
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, S Shataee Joybari, P Surový
Forests 8 (2), 42, 2017
Detection of fallen logs from high-resolution UAV images
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad, P Surový, K Kuželka
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 49, 2019
An integrated GIS and remote sensing approach for monitoring harvested areas from very high-resolution, low-cost satellite images
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, L Bílek
Remote Sensing 11 (21), 2539, 2019
Defining deforestation patterns using satellite images from 2000 and 2017: Assessment of forest management in miombo forests—A case study of Huambo Province in Angola
V Chiteculo, A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový, RP Sharma
Sustainability 11 (1), 98, 2018
Assessment of stem volume on plots using terrestrial laser scanner: A precision forestry application
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad, M Slavík
Sensors 21 (1), 301, 2021
Investigating the Correlation between Multisource Remote Sensing Data for Predicting Potential Spread of Ips typographus L. Spots in Healthy Trees
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový, R Modlinger
Remote Sensing 13 (23), 4953, 2021
Reliable estimates of merchantable timber volume from terrestrial laser scanning
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad
Remote Sensing 13 (18), 3610, 2021
UAV capability to detect and interpret solar radiation as a potential replacement method to hemispherical photography
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový, I Ulbrichová
Remote Sensing 10 (3), 423, 2018
Effects, monitoring and management of forest roads using remote sensing and GIS in Angolan Miombo woodlands
V Chiteculo, A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový
Forests 13 (4), 524, 2022
Accuracy assessment of total stem volume using close-range sensing: advances in precision forestry
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad
Forests 12 (6), 717, 2021
Determining tree height and crown diameter from high-resolution UAV imagery AU-Panagiotidis, Dimitrios
D Panagoitidis, A Abdollahnejad, P Surovı, V Chiteculo
Int. J. Remote Sens 38, 2392-2410, 2017
Socio-Economic Benefits of Colophospermum mopane in a Changing Climate in Northern Namibia
A Nikodemus, A Abdollahnejad, A Kapuka, D Panagiotidis, M Hájek
Forests 14 (2), 290, 2023
High resolution airborne UAV imagery to determine tree height and crown diameter
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad, P Surovy, V Chiteculo
Pardo-Iguzquiza, E., Dowd, P., Ruiz-Constán, A., Martos-Rosillo, S., Luque …, 2018
Accuracy Assessment of Total Stem Volume Using Close-Range Sensing: Advances in Precision Forestry. Forests 2021, 12, 717
D Panagiotidis, A Abdollahnejad
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2021
Investigation of a possibility of spatial modelling of tree diversity using environmental and data mining algorithms.
A Abdollahnejad, D Panagiotidis, P Surový
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Articles 1–20