George Turkiyyah
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Cited by
Real-time finite element modeling for surgery simulation: An application to virtual suturing
J Berkley, G Turkiyyah, D Berg, M Ganter, S Weghorst
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 10 (3), 314-325, 2004
Computation of 3D skeletons using a generalized Delaunay triangulation technique
JM Reddy, GM Turkiyyah
Computer-Aided Design 27 (9), 677-694, 1995
Skeleton-based modeling operations on solids
DW Storti, GM Turkiyyah, MA Ganter, CT Lim, DM Stal
Proceedings of the fourth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 1997
Virtual and augmented reality for rich interaction with cultural heritage sites: A case study from the Roman Theater at Byblos
G Younes, R Kahil, M Jallad, D Asmar, I Elhajj, G Turkiyyah, H Al-Harithy
Digital applications in archaeology and cultural heritage 5, 1-9, 2017
Three-dimensional finite element analysis of jointed plain concrete pavement with EverFE2. 2
WG Davids, Z Wang, G Turkiyyah, JP Mahoney, D Bush
Transportation Research Record 1853 (1), 92-99, 2003
EverFE: Rigid pavement three-dimensional finite element analysis tool
WG Davids, GM Turkiyyah, JP Mahoney
Transportation Research Record 1629 (1), 41-49, 1998
An accelerated triangulation method for computing the skeletons of free-form solid models
GM Turkiyyah, DW Storti, M Ganter, H Chen, M Vimawala
Computer-Aided Design 29 (1), 5-19, 1997
Constructing solid models using implicit functions defining connectivity relationships among layers of an object to be modeled
MT Ensz, MA Ganter, CT Lim, DW Storti, GM Turkiyyah
US Patent 6,100,893, 2000
Implicit reconstruction of solids from cloud point sets
CT Lim, GM Turkiyyah, MA Ganter, DW Storti
Proceedings of the third ACM symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications …, 1995
Optimization models and algorithms for joint uplink/downlink UMTS radio network planning with SIR-based power control
AA Khalek, L Al-Kanj, Z Dawy, G Turkiyyah
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (4), 1612-1625, 2011
Batched QR and SVD algorithms on GPUs with applications in hierarchical matrix compression
WH Boukaram, G Turkiyyah, H Ltaief, DE Keyes
Parallel Computing 74, 19-33, 2018
Skeleton-based three-dimensional geometric morphing
RL Blanding, GM Turkiyyah, DW Storti, MA Ganter
Computational Geometry 15 (1-3), 129-148, 2000
Subdivision-based multilevel methods for large scale engineering simulation of thin shells
S Green, G Turkiyyah, D Storti
Proceedings of the seventh ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 2002
Knowledge-based assistance for finite-element modeling
GM Turkiyyah, SJ Fenves
IEEE Expert 11 (3), 23-32, 1996
Hierarchical decompositions for the computation of high-dimensional multivariate normal probabilities
MG Genton, DE Keyes, G Turkiyyah
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 27 (2), 268-277, 2018
Mesh cutting during real-time physical simulation
G Turkiyyah, WB Karam, Z Ajami, A Nasri
2009 SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, 159-168, 2009
A physically-based framework for real-time haptic cutting and interaction with 3d continuum models
A Lindblad, G Turkiyyah
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling, 421-429, 2007
Creating fast finite element models from medical images
J Berkley, P Oppenheimer, S Weghorst, D Berg, G Raugi, D Haynor, ...
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2000, 26-32, 2000
Virtual reality simulators for dermatologic surgery: measuring their validity as a teaching tool
D Berg, G Raugi, H Gladstone, J Berkley, S Weghorst, M Ganter, ...
Dermatologic surgery 27 (4), 370-374, 2001
Hierarchical algorithms on hierarchical architectures
DE Keyes, H Ltaief, G Turkiyyah
Philosophical Transactions of the royal society A 378 (2166), 20190055, 2020
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Articles 1–20