Jeroen Koelemeij
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Frequency Comparison of Two High-Accuracy Optical Clocks
C Chou, DB Hume, JCJ Koelemeij, DJ Wineland, T Rosenband
Physical review letters 104 (7), 070802, 2010
Observation of the Clock Transition in
T Rosenband, PO Schmidt, DB Hume, WM Itano, TM Fortier, JE Stalnaker, ...
Physical review letters 98 (22), 220801, 2007
Vibrational Spectroscopy of with 2-ppb Accuracy
JCJ Koelemeij, B Roth, A Wicht, I Ernsting, S Schiller
Physical Review Letters 98 (17), 173002, 2007
Determination of the ionization and dissociation energies of the hydrogen molecule
J Liu, EJ Salumbides, U Hollenstein, JCJ Koelemeij, KSE Eikema, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (17), 2009
Bounds on fifth forces from precision measurements on molecules
EJ Salumbides, JCJ Koelemeij, J Komasa, K Pachucki, KSE Eikema, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (11), 112008, 2013
Probing QED and fundamental constants through laser spectroscopy of vibrational transitions in HD+
J Biesheuvel, JP Karr, L Hilico, KSE Eikema, W Ubachs, JCJ Koelemeij
Nature communications 7 (1), 10385, 2016
Proton-electron mass ratio from laser spectroscopy of HD+ at the part-per-trillion level
S Patra, M Germann, JP Karr, M Haidar, L Hilico, VI Korobov, FMJ Cozijn, ...
Science 369 (6508), 1238-1241, 2020
White rabbit precision time protocol on long-distance fiber links
EF Dierikx, AE Wallin, T Fordell, J Myyry, P Koponen, M Merimaa, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 63 …, 2016
Physics beyond the Standard Model from hydrogen spectroscopy
W Ubachs, JCJ Koelemeij, KSE Eikema, EJ Salumbides
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 320, 1-12, 2016
Rovibrational spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions at millikelvin temperatures
B Roth, JCJ Koelemeij, H Daerr, S Schiller
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (4), 040501, 2006
Blackbody thermometry with cold molecular ions and application to ion-based frequency standards
JCJ Koelemeij, B Roth, S Schiller
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (2), 023413, 2007
Blackbody radiation shift of the27Al+1S03P0transition
T Rosenband, WM Itano, PO Schmidt, DB Hume, JCJ Koelemeij, ...
Proceedings of the 20th European Frequency and Time Forum, 289-292, 2006
Hydrogen molecular ions for improved determination of fundamental constants
JP Karr, L Hilico, JCJ Koelemeij, VI Korobov
Physical Review A 94 (5), 050501, 2016
Optical clocks in space
S Schiller, A Görlitz, A Nevsky, JCJ Koelemeij, A Wicht, P Gill, HA Klein, ...
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 166, 300-302, 2007
Three-body QED test and fifth-force constraint from vibrations and rotations of
M Germann, S Patra, JP Karr, L Hilico, VI Korobov, EJ Salumbides, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (2), L022028, 2021
Theoretical hyperfine structure of the molecular hydrogen ion at the 1 ppm level
VI Korobov, JCJ Koelemeij, L Hilico, JP Karr
Physical Review Letters 116 (5), 053003, 2016
A hybrid optical–wireless network for decimetre-level terrestrial positioning
JCJ Koelemeij, H Dun, CEV Diouf, EF Dierikx, GJM Janssen, ...
Nature 611 (7936), 473-478, 2022
Two-photon spectroscopy of trapped HD ions in the Lamb-Dicke regime
VQ Tran, JP Karr, A Douillet, JCJ Koelemeij, L Hilico
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (3), 033421, 2013
Magneto-optical trap for metastable helium at 389 nm
JCJ Koelemeij, RJW Stas, W Hogervorst, W Vassen
Physical Review A 67 (5), 053406, 2003
Spectroscopy of atomic and molecular ions using quantum logic
PO Schmidt, T Rosenband, JCJ Koelemeij, DB Hume, WM Itano, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 862 (1), 305-312, 2006
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Articles 1–20