Maia Martcheva
Cited by
Cited by
An introduction to mathematical epidemiology
M Martcheva
Springer 61, 9-31, 2015
Progression age enhanced backward bifurcation in an epidemic model with super-infection
M Martcheva, HR Thieme
Journal of Mathematical Biology 46 (5), 385-424, 2003
An epidemic model of a vector-borne disease with direct transmission and time delay
HM Wei, XZ Li, M Martcheva
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 342 (2), 895-908, 2008
Dynamics of two-strain influenza with isolation and partial cross-immunity
M Nuno, Z Feng, M Martcheva, C Castillo-Chavez
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 65 (3), 964-982, 2005
Gender-structured population modeling: mathematical methods, numerics, and simulations
M Iannelli, M Martcheva, FA Milner
Siam, 2005
Vaccination strategies and backward bifurcation in an age-since-infection structured model
CM Kribs-Zaleta, M Martcheva
Mathematical biosciences 177, 317-332, 2002
Strain replacement in an epidemic model with super-infection and perfect vaccination
M Iannelli, M Martcheva, XZ Li
Mathematical Biosciences 195 (1), 23-46, 2005
Vaccine-induced pathogen strain replacement: what are the mechanisms?
M Martcheva, BM Bolker, RD Holt
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (18), 3-13, 2008
Diseases with chronic stage in a population with varying size
M Martcheva, C Castillo-Chavez
Mathematical Biosciences 182 (1), 1-25, 2003
An age-structured epidemic model of rotavirus with vaccination
E Shim, Z Feng, M Martcheva, C Castillo-Chavez
Journal of mathematical biology 53, 719-746, 2006
The role of coinfection in multidisease dynamics
M Martcheva, SS Pilyugin
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 66 (3), 843-872, 2006
On the controllability of the Lotka–McKendrick model of population dynamics
V Barbu, M Iannelli, M Martcheva
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 253 (1), 142-165, 2001
A cost-based comparison of quarantine strategies for new emerging diseases
A Mubayi, CK Zaleta, M Martcheva, C Castillo-Chávez
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 7 (3), 687-717, 2010
Structural and practical identifiability issues of immuno-epidemiological vector–host models with application to rift valley fever
N Tuncer, H Gulbudak, VL Cannataro, M Martcheva
Bulletin of mathematical biology 78, 1796-1827, 2016
Assessing the role of spatial heterogeneity and human movement in malaria dynamics and control
O Prosper, N Ruktanonchai, M Martcheva
Journal of Theoretical Biology 303, 1-14, 2012
Spatial heterogeneity, host movement and mosquito-borne disease transmission
MA Acevedo, O Prosper, K Lopiano, N Ruktanonchai, TT Caughlin, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0127552, 2015
A non-autonomous multi-strain SIS epidemic model
M Martcheva
Journal of biological dynamics 3 (2-3), 235-251, 2009
Age structured epidemic modeling
XZ Li, J Yang, M Martcheva
Springer Nature, 2020
Optimal control of a malaria model with asymptomatic class and superinfection
L Cai, X Li, N Tuncer, M Martcheva, AA Lashari
Mathematical biosciences 288, 94-108, 2017
Backward bifurcation, oscillations and chaos in an eco-epidemiological model with fear effect
A Sha, S Samanta, M Martcheva, J Chattopadhyay
Journal of biological dynamics 13 (1), 301-327, 2019
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Articles 1–20