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Antioxidant defense system and cadmium uptake in barley genotypes differing in cadmium tolerance
M Tiryakioglu, S Eker, F Ozkutlu, S Husted, I Cakmak
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 20 (3), 181-189, 2006
Evaluation of some wild plants aspect of their nutritional values used as vegetable in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey
N Sekeroglu, F Ozkutlu, M Deveci, O Dede, N Yilmaz
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2006
Shoot biomass and zinc/cadmium uptake for hyperaccumulator and non-accumulator Thlaspi species in response to growth on a zinc-deficient calcareous soil
L Ozturk, S Karanlik, F Ozkutlu, I Cakmak, LV Kochian
Plant Science 164 (6), 1095-1101, 2003
Effect of zinc humate on growth of soybean and wheat in zinc‐deficient calcareous soil
F Ozkutlu, B Torun, I Cakmak
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37 (15-20), 2769-2778, 2006
Effect of cadmium on growth and concentrations of cadmium, ascorbic acid and sulphydryl groups in durum wheat cultivars
L Öztürk, S Eker, F Özkutlu, İ Çakmak
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 27 (3), 161-168, 2003
Determination of cadmium and selected micronutrients in commonly used and traded medicinal plants in Turkey
N Sekeroglu, F Ozkutlu, SM Kara, M Ozguven
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88 (1), 86-90, 2008
Monitoring of cadmium and micronutrients in spices commonly consumed in Turkey
F Ozkutlu, N Sekeroglu, SM Kara
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 2 (5), 223-226, 2006
Leaf-applied sodium chloride promotes cadmium accumulation in durum wheat grain
F Ozkutlu, L Ozturk, H Erdem, M McLaughlin, I Cakmak
Plant and soil 290, 323-331, 2007
Monitoring of heavy metals and selected micronutrients in hempseeds from North-western Turkey
K Korkmaz, SM Kara, F Ozkutlu, V Gul
African Journal of Agricultural Research 5 (6), 463-467, 2010
The importance of Turkish hazelnut trace and heavy metal contents for human nutrition
F Özkutlu, YZ Doğru, N Özenç, G Yazici, M Turan, F Akçay
J. Soil Sci. Environ. Manag 2, 25-33, 2011
Interaction effects of phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) on dry matter, concentration and uptake of P and Zn in chia
K Korkmaz, M Akgün, MM Özcan, F Özkutlu, ŞM Kara
Journal of Plant Nutrition 44 (5), 755-764, 2021
Ordu-Merkez ilçedeki bazı fındık bahçelerinin mineral beslenme durumunun belirlenmesi
F Özkutlu, K Korkmaz, N Özenç, A Aygün, Ö Şahin, M Kahraman, Ö Ete, ...
Akademik Ziraat Dergisi 5 (2), 77-86, 2016
Assessment of heavy metal accumulation in the soils and hazelnut plant (Corylus avellena L.) from Black Sea Coastal Region of Turkey
F Özkutlu, M Turan, K Korkmaz, YM Huang
Asian Journal of Chemistry 21 (6), 4371-4388, 2009
Research on selected wild edible vegetables: Mineral content and antimicrobial potentials
SB Akgunlu, N Sekeroglu, U Koca Çalışkan, F Özkutlu, B Özçelik, M Kulak, ...
Annals of Phytomedicine-An International Journal 5 (2), 2016
Mineral composition of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. an endemic medicinal plant from Turkey.
U Koca, N Sekeroglu, F Özkutlu
Determination of cadmium and trace elements in some spices cultivated in Turkey
F Ozkutlu
Asian Journal of Chemistry 20 (2), 1081, 2008
Magnezyum gübrelemesinin fındığın (Corylus avellana L.) verim ve bitki besin elementi içeriklerine etkisi
F Özkutlu, K Korkmaz, M Akgün, Ö Ete
Ordu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6 (2), 48-58, 2016
Mineral composition of acorn coffees
N Sekeroglu, F Ozkutlu, E Kilic
Indian J Pharm Educ Res 51, 136-143, 2017
Variation of Mineral Composition in Different Parts of Mahaleb.
N Sekeroglu, SA Meraler, F ÖZKUTLU, M Kulak
Asian Journal of Chemistry 24 (12), 2012
Profile of heavy metal and nutrient elements in some sideritis species
K Korkmaz, Ş KARA, F Özkutlu, M Akgün, B COŞGE ŞENKAL
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 51 (3), 2017
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