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Cited by
Sentiment analysis of big data: methods, applications, and open challenges
S Shayaa, NI Jaafar, S Bahri, A Sulaiman, PS Wai, YW Chung, AZ Piprani, ...
Ieee Access 6, 37807-37827, 2018
Run-sum control charts for monitoring the coefficient of variation
WL Teoh, MBC Khoo, P Castagliola, WC Yeong, SY Teh
European Journal of Operational Research 257 (1), 144-158, 2017
Usage and impact of the internet-of-things-based smart home technology: a quality-of-life perspective
LY Rock, FP Tajudeen, YW Chung
Universal access in the information society 23 (1), 345-364, 2024
A control chart for the multivariate coefficient of variation
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, WL Teoh, P Castagliola
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 32 (3), 1213-1225, 2016
Monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable sampling interval EWMA chart
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, LK Tham, WL Teoh, MA Rahim
Journal of Quality Technology 49 (4), 380-401, 2017
Monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable sample size and sampling interval control chart
KW Khaw, MBC Khoo, WC Yeong, Z Wu
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (7), 5772-5794, 2017
Economic and economic statistical designs of the synthetic X chart using loss functions
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, MA Rahim
European Journal of Operational Research 228 (3), 571-581, 2013
Optimal designs of the variable sample size chart based on median run length and expected median run length
WL Teoh, JK Chong, MBC Khoo, P Castagliola, WC Yeong
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 33 (1), 121-134, 2017
Monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable sample size EWMA chart
ANB Muhammad, WC Yeong, ZL Chong, SL Lim, MBC Khoo
Computers & Industrial Engineering 126, 378-398, 2018
Bibliometric and content analysis of the internet of things research: a social science perspective
YR Leong, FP Tajudeen, WC Yeong
Online Information Review 45 (6), 1148-1166, 2021
Optimal design of the synthetic control chart for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation
KW Khaw, X Chew, WC Yeong, SL Lim
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 186, 33-40, 2019
Monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable parameters chart
WC Yeong, SL Lim, MBC Khoo, P Castagliola
Quality Engineering 30 (2), 212-235, 2018
Economically optimum design of a synthetic chart
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, Z Wu, P Castagliola
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 28 (7), 725-741, 2012
The coefficient of variation chart with measurement error
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, SL Lim, WL Teoh
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 14 (4), 353-377, 2017
A direct procedure for monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable sample size scheme
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, SL Lim, MH Lee
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (6), 4210-4225, 2017
A proposed variable parameter control chart for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation
XY Chew, MBC Khoo, KW Khaw, WC Yeong, ZL Chong
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35 (7), 2442-2461, 2019
Economic‐statistical design of the synthetic chart with estimated process parameters
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, O Yanjing, P Castagliola
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 31 (5), 863-876, 2015
The efficiency of run rules schemes for the multivariate coefficient of variation: a Markov chain approach
XY Chew, KW Khaw, WC Yeong
Journal of Applied Statistics 47 (3), 460-480, 2020
Linking consumer confidence index and social media sentiment analysis
S Shayaa, S Ainin, NI Jaafar, SB Zakaria, SW Phoong, WC Yeong, ...
Cogent Business & Management 5 (1), 1509424, 2018
Economically Optimal Design of a Multivariate Synthetic T 2 Chart
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, MA Rahim
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43 (6), 1333-1361, 2014
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Articles 1–20