Julie A. Gray
Cited by
Cited by
The effects of student engagement, student satisfaction, and perceived learning in online learning environments.
JA Gray, M DiLoreto
International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation 11 (1), n1, 2016
Enabling school structures, collegial trust and academic emphasis Antecedents of professional learning communities
JA Gray, S Kruse, CJ Tarter
Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1741143215574505, 2015
International Professional Learning Communities: The Role of Enabling School Structures, Trust, and Collective Efficacy
JA Gray, R Summers
The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives 14 (3), 2015
Leadership Coaching and Mentoring: A Research-Based Model for Stronger Partnerships.
JA Gray
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 13 (12), n12, 2018
Enabling School Structures, Trust, and Collective Efficacy in Private International Schools.
JA Gray, R Summers
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 11 (3), n3, 2016
Investigating the Role of Collective Trust, Collective Efficacy, and Enabling School Structures on Overall School Effectiveness
JA Gray
Education Leadership Review 17 (1), 114-128, 2016
Organizational and relational factors in professional learning communities
JA Gray, R Mitchell, CJ Tarter
Planning and Changing Journal 45 (1/2), 83-98, 2014
Leadership-Focused Coaching: A Research-Based Approach for Supporting Aspiring Leaders.
J Gray
International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation 13 (1), 100-120, 2018
Developing professional learning communities through enabling school structures, collegial trust, academic emphasis, and collective efficacy
J Gray, S Kruse, CJ Tarter
Educational Research Applications, 1-8, 2017
Professional Learning Communities and the Role of Enabling School Structures and Trust
JA Gray
Leadership-Focused coaching: An uplifting approach for supporting aspiring leaders
J Gray
Annual Meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration …, 2017
Academic Optimism and Enabling School Structure: Predictors of Professional Learning Communities.
JA Gray, R Mitchell
International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation 16 (1), 1-23, 2021
Leadership coaching and mentoring: A research-based model
J Gray
Annual Meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration …, 2016
Collective Efficacy, Collegial Leadership, and a Culture of Trust: Predicting Academic Optimism and Overall Effectiveness
JA Gray, CJ Tarter
Contemporary Challenges Confronting School Leaders 11, 93-110, 2012
Leadership-focused coaching in action: An approach to continuous improvement and supporting public schools.
JA Gray, A Walker, S Zimmerman, J Dickson
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 18 (1), n1, 2022
A Case Study Approach to Educational Leadership
SD Kruse, JA Gray
Taylor & Francis, 2018
Immersion of High-Impact Practices: Emerging a Stronger Educational Leadership Program.
A Walker, J Gray
Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue 24, 2022
Perspectives of two principals: how to mitigate learning loss in turnaround schools
DA Taylor, N Lewis, A Walker, JA Gray
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 67 …, 2023
Trust and friction: A multilevel analysis of elementary math classrooms.
WS Kearney, J Gray
IAP Information Age Publishing, 2015
Developing Professional Learning Communities through Enabling School Structures, Collegial Trust, Academic Emphasis, and Collective Efficacy
J Gray, S Kruse, JC Tarter, J Gray, S Kruse, CJ Tarter
Educational Administration Annual Conference, 2012
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Articles 1–20