Barb Zeeb
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Cited by
Curing the earth: A review of anthropogenic soil salinization and plant-based strategies for sustainable mitigation
A Litalien, B Zeeb
Science of the Total Environment 698, 134235, 2020
Atlas of chrysophycean cysts
K Duff, BA Zeeb, JP Smol
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Uptake of weathered DDT in vascular plants: potential for phytoremediation
AI Lunney, BA Zeeb, KJ Reimer
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (22), 6147-6154, 2004
In situ phytoextraction of polychlorinated biphenyl—(PCB) contaminated soil
MLW Åslund, BA Zeeb, A Rutter, KJ Reimer
Science of the Total Environment 374 (1), 1-12, 2007
Potential for phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl-(PCB)-contaminated soil
BA Zeeb, JS Amphlett, A Rutter, KJ Reimer
International journal of phytoremediation 8 (3), 199-221, 2006
Contaminants in the Arctic and the Antarctic: a comparison of sources, impacts, and remediation options
JS Poland, MJ Riddle, BA Zeeb
Polar record 39 (4), 369-383, 2003
Bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soil by heated and humidified biopile system in cold climates
D Sanscartier, B Zeeb, I Koch, K Reimer
Cold regions science and technology 55 (1), 167-173, 2009
Atlas of chrysophycean cysts
AN Wilkinson, BA Zeeb, JP Smol
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
The use of biochar to reduce soil PCB bioavailability to Cucurbita pepo and Eisenia fetida
MJ Denyes, VS Langlois, A Rutter, BA Zeeb
Science of the Total Environment 437, 76-82, 2012
The effects of repeated planting, planting density, and specific transfer pathways on PCB uptake by Cucurbita pepo grown in field conditions
MLW Åslund, A Rutter, KJ Reimer, BA Zeeb
Science of the Total Environment 405 (1-3), 14-25, 2008
Chrysophyte scales and cysts
BA Zeeb, JP Smol
Tracking environmental change using lake sediments: terrestrial, algal, and …, 2001
In situ application of activated carbon and biochar to PCB-contaminated soil and the effects of mixing regime
MJ Denyes, A Rutter, BA Zeeb
Environmental pollution 182, 201-208, 2013
Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in terrestrial biota from the Canadian Arctic
M Gamberg, B Braune, E Davey, B Elkin, PF Hoekstra, D Kennedy, ...
Science of the Total Environment 351, 148-164, 2005
The end of moai quarrying and its effect on Lake Rano Raraku, Easter Island
HJ Dumont, C Cocquyt, M Fontugne, M Arnold, JL Reyss, J Bloemendal, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 20, 409-422, 1998
Bioremediation of weathered petroleum hydrocarbon soil contamination in the Canadian High Arctic: laboratory and field studies
D Sanscartier, T Laing, K Reimer, B Zeeb
Chemosphere 77 (8), 1121-1126, 2009
Potential for phytoextraction of PCBs from contaminated soils using weeds
SA Ficko, A Rutter, BA Zeeb
Science of the total environment 408 (16), 3469-3476, 2010
Bioavailability assessments following biochar and activated carbon amendment in DDT-contaminated soil
MJ Denyes, A Rutter, BA Zeeb
Chemosphere 144, 1428-1434, 2016
Distribution and autecology of chrysophyte cysts from high Arctic Svalbard lakes: preliminary evidence of recent environmental change
AM Betts-Piper, BA Zeeb, JP Smol
Journal of Paleolimnology 31, 467-481, 2004
Responses of diatom and chrysophyte assemblages in Lake 227 sediments to experimental eutrophication
BA Zeeb, CE Christie, JP Smol, DL Findlay, HJ Kling, HJB Birks
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 51 (10), 2300-2311, 1994
Chrysophycean stomatocyst flora from elk lake, Clearwater county, Minnesota
BA Zeeb, JP Smol
Canadian journal of botany 71 (5), 737-756, 1993
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Articles 1–20