J Rob Bray
J Rob Bray
Research Fellow, ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, RSSS, ANU
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Cited by
Hardship in Australia: an analysis of financial stress indicators in the 1998-99 Australian Bureau of Statistics Household Expenditure Survey
JR Bray
FaHCSIA Occasional Paper, 2001
Evaluating new income management in the Northern Territory: final evaluation report
JR Bray, M Gray, K Hand, I Katz
Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 2014
Alternative approaches to measuring rental housing affordability in Australia
J Landt, R Bray
NATSEM, University of Canberra, 1997
Reflections on the evolution of the minimum wage in Australia: options for the future
JR Bray
Crawford School SPI working paper, 2013
Indigenous Australians and the National Disability Insurance Scheme: The extent and nature of disability, measurement issues and service delivery models
N Biddle, F Al-Yaman, M Gourley, M Gray, JR Bray, B Brady, L Pham, ...
Canberra, Commonwealth of Australia, 2012
Some issues in home ownership
W Mudd, H Tesfaghiorghis, JR Bray
Department of Family and Community Services, 2001
Social indicators for regional Australia
JR Bray
Department of Family and Community Services (Australia), 2000
Seven years of evaluating income management‐what have we learnt? Placing the findings of the New Income Management in the Northern Territory evaluation in context
JR Bray
Australian Journal of Social Issues 51 (4), 449-468, 2016
Compulsory income management in the Northern Territory–evaluating its impact
JR Bray, M Gray, K Hand, I Katz
Australian Journal of Social Issues 50 (4), 373-396, 2015
Child Care Package Evaluation
JR Bray, J Baxter, K Hand, M Gray, M Carroll, R Webster, B Phillips, ...
Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2021
Income Management Evaluations - What do we now know? Placing the findings of the evaluation of new income management in the Northern Territory in context
JR Bray …, 2016
Hardship and Australian families
JR Bray
8th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, 12-14, 2003
Changes in Inequality in Australia and the Redistributional Impacts of Taxes and Government Benefits
JR Bray
Measuring and promoting wellbeing: how important is, 423, 2014
The contribution of DSS payments to regional income
JR Bray, W Mudd
Department of Social Security, 1998
Performance management and evaluation meets culture and politics: Australia’s experience
JR Bray, MC Gray, DI Stanton
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 42 (4), 290-302, 2020
Measuring the social impact of income management in the Northern Territory: An updated analysis
JR Bray
Canberra, ACT: Australian National University, Centre for Aboriginal …, 2020
The tide has risen and... Trends in the spatial distribution of incomes 1986-2001
JR Bray
Australian Social Policy Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney …, 2003
Evaluation and learning from failure and success: An ANZSOG research paper for the Australian public service review panel
JR Bray, M Gray, P t Hart
ANZSOG, 2019
Welfare conditionality as a child protection tool.
K Hand, I Katz, M Gray, JR Bray
Family Matters, 16-29, 2016
Young carers in receipt of Carer Payment and Carer Allowance 2001 to 2006: characteristics, experiences and post-care outcomes
JR Bray
FaHCSIA Occasional Paper, 2013
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Articles 1–20