Fernando S. Oliveira
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Cited by
Agent-based simulation-an application to the new electricity trading arrangements of England and Wales
DW Bunn, FS Oliveira
Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on 5 (5), 493-503, 2001
Evaluating individual market power in electricity markets via agent-based simulation
DW Bunn, FS Oliveira
Annals of Operations Research 121 (1), 57-77, 2003
Contract design and supply chain coordination in the electricity industry
FS Oliveira, C Ruiz, AJ Conejo
European Journal of Operational Research 227 (3), 527-537, 2013
Real-time dynamic pricing in a non-stationary environment using model-free reinforcement learning
R Rana, FS Oliveira
Omega 47, 116-126, 2014
Dynamic pricing policies for interdependent perishable products or services using reinforcement learning
R Rana, FS Oliveira
Expert systems with applications 42 (1), 426-436, 2015
Agent-based analysis of technological diversification and specialization in electricity markets
DW Bunn, FS Oliveira
European Journal of Operational Research 181 (3), 1265-1278, 2007
A risk management system for sustainable fleet replacement
AH Ansaripoor, FS Oliveira, A Liret
European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2), 701-712, 2014
Flexible lease contracts in the fleet replacement problem with alternative fuel vehicles: A real-options approach
AH Ansaripoor, FS Oliveira
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (1), 316-327, 2018
Modeling the Impact of Market Interventions on the Strategic Evolution of Electricity Markets
DW Bunn, FS Oliveira
Operations research 56 (5), 1116-1130, 2008
Analysis of futures and spot electricity markets under risk aversion
FS Oliveira, C Ruiz
European Journal of Operational Research 291 (3), 1132-1148, 2021
Capacity expansion under uncertainty in an oligopoly using indirect reinforcement-learning
FS Oliveira, MLG Costa
European Journal of Operational Research 267 (3), 1039-1050, 2018
The value of information in electricity investment games
F Oliveira
Energy Policy 36 (7), 2364-2375, 2008
An application of EDA and GA to dynamic pricing
S Shakya, F Oliveira, G Owusu
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
Recursive expected conditional value at risk in the fleet renewal problem with alternative fuel vehicles
AH Ansaripoor, FS Oliveira, A Liret
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 65, 156-171, 2016
Developing a market-based approach to managing the US strategic petroleum reserve
F Murphy, FS Oliveira
European Journal of Operational Research 206 (2), 488-495, 2010
Pricing option contracts on the strategic petroleum reserve
F Murphy, FS Oliveira
Energy economics 40, 242-250, 2013
Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints
FS Oliveira
European Journal of Operational Research 261 (2), 540-548, 2017
Analysing the effect of demand uncertainty in dynamic pricing with EAs
S Shakya, F Oliveira, G Owusu
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2008
Robust trading in spot and forward oligopolistic markets
N Gülpınar, FS Oliveira
International Journal of Production Economics 138 (1), 35-45, 2012
Analysing industry profitability: A “complexity as cause” perspective
AA Caldart, F Oliveira
European Management Journal 28 (2), 95-107, 2010
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Articles 1–20