Gurupad B Balol
Gurupad B Balol
Other namesBalol G., Balol G. B., Gurupad Balol
Scientist (Plant Pathology) AICRP on Chickpea MARS,, Dharwad
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Cited by
A simple, novel and high efficiency sap inoculation method to screen for tobacco streak virus
KTRMU S. Sundaresha, Rohini Sreevathsa, Gurupada B. Balol, G. Keshavareddy
Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 2012
Molecular characterization of Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia isolate infecting chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Dharwad, Karnataka
G Balol, C Channakeshava, MS Patil
Legume Research: An International Journal, 2021
Biological characterization and detection of Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) in different parts of tomato
G Balol, MS Patil
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiolgy 8 (1), 749-752, 2014
Effect of chelated iron and zinc application on growth and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) in subtropical climate
M Krishnaraj, K Senthil, R Shanmugasundaram, J Prabhaharan, ...
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9 (6), 1212-1216, 2020
Sources of genetic variation in plant virus populations
GB Balol, BL Divya, S Basavaraj, S Sundaresha, YS Mahesh, ...
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 4 (2), 803-808, 2010
Aflatoxins in food chain and their management
S Huchchannanavar, GB Balol
Current Biotica 5 (2), 250-263, 2011
In vitro evaluations of fungicides against Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. causing collar rot of chickpea
N Sangeeta, H Virupaksha, G Balol
Int. J. Plant Sci 17 (2), 163-166, 2022
Integrated nutrient management in lentil
G Math, B Gurupad, J Lalita
International journal of chemicalstudies 6 (6), 201-202, 2018
Sunflower necrosis disease–a threat to sunflower cultivation in India
P Sardaru, JAM Anthony, B Viswanath, G Narasimha
Ann Plant Sci 2 (12), 543-555, 2014
Evaluation of onion genotypes for disease resistance to purple blotch under field conditions
MV Shilpakumari, HP Pramodh, RV Gowda, BG Balol, BL Divya, ...
Res. J. Agric. Sci 2, 88-91, 2012
Field evaluation of different fungicides against Uromyces ciceris-arietini causing rust in chickpea in northern Karnataka
B Kumbar, G Balol, BK Lokesh, S Kukanur, H Nayak
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10 (1), 896-900, 2021
Incidence of viral diseases on capsicum (sweet pepper) under protected conditions in Karnataka
C Channakeshava, MS Patil, NB Moger, SM Mantur, SK Prashanthi, ...
International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (6), 1548-1551, 2019
Serological and molecular detection of Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) causing bud blight in tomato
International Journal of Plant Protection 6 (2), 320-322, 2013
Application of zinc and iron for higher productivity and agronomic use efficiency of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) varieties
G Math, AG Vijayakumar, G Balol
Indian Journal of Agronomy 67 (4), 425-430, 2022
Identifying the research gaps in cereal-grain legume intercropping
R Holt, CA Watson, CFE Topp
Legume Science and Practice 2, 2021
Occurrence, distribution and molecular characterization of phytoplasma infecting chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) from Tamil Nadu
TKS Latha, S Rajamanickam, G Karthikeyan, K Prabakar
Madras Agricultural Journal 108 (march (1-3)), 1, 2021
Chemical management of powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe polygoni DC on Urdbean and its economic analysis
G Balol, G Math, S Mogali, B Kumbar, N Revadi
Int J Chem Stud 8 (6), 256-259, 2020
4R Nutrient Stewardship for Sugarcane
B Patil, R Mahesh, BT Nadagouda, MP Potdar, G Balol, SK Dutta, ...
Better Crops South Asia 10 (1), 24-6, 2016
Prevalence of mungbean yellow mosaic virus on greengram in northern parts of Karnataka
RM Karchi, GB Balol, BK Lokesh, S Mogali
Journal of Farm Sciences 36 (01), 47-49, 2023
Recent Advances in Agricultural Sciences and Technology
N Biradar, RA Shah, MA Ahmad
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Articles 1–20