Florian Waldow
Florian Waldow
Professor of Comparative and International Education, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Cited by
World yearbook of education 2012: Policy borrowing and lending in education
G Steiner-Khamsi
Routledge, 2012
Rethinking the pattern of external policy referencing: Media discourses over the ‘Asian Tigers’’PISA success in Australia, Germany and South Korea
F Waldow, K Takayama, YK Sung
Comparative Education 50 (3), 302-321, 2014
What PISA did and did not do: Germany after the ‘PISA-shock’
F Waldow
European Educational Research Journal 8 (3), 476-483, 2009
Undeclared imports: silent borrowing in educational policy‐making and research in Sweden
F Waldow
Comparative Education 45 (4), 477-494, 2009
Standardisation and legitimacy: Two central concepts in research on educational borrowing and lending
F Waldow
World Yearbook of Education 2012, 411-427, 2012
Finland has it all? Examining the media accentuation of ‘Finnish education’in Australia, Germany and South Korea
K Takayama, F Waldow, YK Sung
Research in Comparative and International Education 8 (3), 307-325, 2013
Standardisation and ‘quick languages’: the shape‐shifting of standardised measurement of pupil achievement in Sweden and Germany
C Lundahl, F Waldow
Comparative education 45 (3), 365-385, 2009
Projecting images of the ‘good’and the ‘bad school’: Top scorers in educational large-scale assessments as reference societies
F Waldow
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 47 (5), 647-664, 2017
PISA for scandalisation, PISA for projection: the use of international large-scale assessments in education policy making–an introduction
G Steiner-Khamsi, F Waldow
Globalisation, Societies and Education 16 (5), 557-565, 2018
Understanding PISA’s attractiveness: Critical analyses in comparative policy studies
F Waldow, G Steiner-Khamsi
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019
Varia: Die merkwürdige Ehe zwischen technokratischer Bildungsreform und emphatischer Reformpädagogik
J Bellmann, F Waldow
Bildung und Erziehung 60 (4), 481-504, 2007
Der Traum vom" skandinavisch schlau Werden". Drei Thesen zur Rolle Finnlands als Projektionsfläche in der gegenwärtigen Bildungsdebatte
F Waldow
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 56 (4), 497-511, 2010
From Taylor to Tyler to No Child Left Behind: Legitimating educational standards
F Waldow
Prospects 45, 49-62, 2015
From ‘silent borrowing’to the international argument–Legitimating Swedish educational policy from 1945 to the present day
J Ringarp, F Waldow
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 2016 (1), 29583, 2016
Conceptions of justice in the examination systems of England, Germany, and Sweden: A look at safeguards of fair procedure and possibilities of appeal
F Waldow
Comparative Education Review 58 (2), 322-343, 2014
Utbildningspolitik, ekonomi och internationella utbildningstrender i Sverige 1930–2000
F Waldow
Stockholms universitets förlag, 2008
Das Ausland als Gegenargument. Fünf Thesen zur Bedeutung nationaler Stereotype und negativer Referenzgesellschaften
F Waldow
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 62 (3), 403-421, 2016
Private schools and school choice in compulsory education
T Koinzer, R Nikolai, F Waldow
Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Mahoney, J.(2000). Path dependence in historical …, 2017
Introduction: Projection in education policy-making
F Waldow
Understanding PISA’s attractiveness: Critical analyses in comparative policy …, 2019
Commentary to part III: Why is “being international” so attractive?“Being international” as a source of legitimacy and distinction
F Waldow
Elite education and internationalisation: From the early years to higher …, 2018
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Articles 1–20