Igor Shepelevich
Igor Shepelevich
Liberal Arts in Russia, Bashkir State University, Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis of
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Information entropy in chemistry: An overview
DS Sabirov, IS Shepelevich
Entropy 23 (10), 1240, 2021
Information entropy of oxygen allotropes. A still open discussion about the closed form of ozone
DS Sabirov, IS Shepelevich
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1073, 61-66, 2015
Inverted thermochemistry of “norbornadiene–quadricyclane” molecular system inside fullerene nanocages
DS Sabirov, AO Terentyev, IS Shepelevich, RG Bulgakov
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1045, 86-92, 2014
Covalently Bonded Fullerene Nano-Aggregates (C60)n: Digitalizing Their Energy–Topology–Symmetry
DS Sabirov, O Ori, AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich
Symmetry 13 (10), 1899, 2021
Structure effects of the protonated lincomycin molecule on the mechanism of its complexation with organic compounds
AS Khamidullina, IV Vakulin, RF Talipov, IS Shepelevich
Journal of Structural Chemistry 46, 985-990, 2005
Polarizability in astrochemical studies of complex carbon-based compounds
DS Sabirov, AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6 (1), 1-17, 2022
Positional isomerism, stability, and polarizability of C20 (CH2) n (n= 1–10), the cyclopropane adducts of the smallest fullerene: General formula for calculation of mean …
AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich, DS Sabirov
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 25 (2), 71-78, 2017
Molecular size and molecular structure: Discriminating their changes upon chemical reactions in terms of information entropy
D Sabirov, AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 110, 108052, 2022
Exaltation of polarizability as a common property of fullerene dimers with diverse intercage bridges
AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich, DS Sabirov
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 26 (10), 661-666, 2018
Digitalizing Structure–Symmetry Relations at the Formation of Endofullerenes in Terms of Information Entropy Formalism
DS Sabirov, AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich
Symmetry 14 (9), 1800, 2022
Information entropy of regular dendrimer aggregates and irregular intermediate structures
D Sabirov, A Tukhbatullina, I Shepelevich
Liquids 1 (1), 25-35, 2021
Thermodynamic selectivity of multicenter chemical reactions. A statistical quantification of a widespread intuitive approach and its application to reactions of fullerenes
DS Sabirov, IS Shepelevich, BL Tumanskii
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1138, 84-90, 2018
Transformation of betulin diacetate by the Prins reaction
AV Rybina, IS Shepelevich, RF Talipov, FZ Galin, LV Spirikhin
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 34, 480-482, 2008
Взаимодействие диацетата бетулина и бетулонового альдегида с формальдегидом, катализируемое кислотами Льюиса
АВ Рыбина, ИС Шепелевич, РФ Талипов, ФЗ Галин
Башкирский химический журнал 14 (1), 129-131, 2007
Cyclization of cyclohexene with formaldehyde in trifluoroacetic acid
IS Shepelevich, RF Talipov
Bashkir Khim J 10, 58-60, 2003
Structural descriptors of benzenoid hydrocarbons: A mismatch between the estimates and parity effects in helicenes
DS Sabirov, O Ori, AA Tukhbatullina, IS Shepelevich
C 8 (3), 42, 2022
Квантовохимическое исследование возможности аминометилирования алкенов
ИС Шепелевич, ЕЮ Пташко, ИВ Вакулин, ВП Тимофеев, РФ Талипов
Башкирский химический журнал 14 (1), 134-136, 2007
Химические аспекты создания ДНК-чипов
РР Гарафутдинов, ИС Шепелевич, АВ Чемерис, РФ Талипов
Вестник Башкирского университета 10 (1), 49-54, 2005
Циклизация циклогексена с формальдегидом в трифторуксусной кислоте
ИС Шепелевич, РФ Талипов
Башкирский химический журнал 10 (4), 58-60, 2003
Оценка загрязнения почвы металлами на территории полигона «Цветаевский» и свалки «Михайловская» в Республике Башкортостан
АИ Габдрахманов, ЛР Шамсутдинова, ЛН Белан, ТИ Зверева, ...
Вестник Башкирского университета 22 (1), 93-97, 2017
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