Mauricio Moreno-Zambrano
Mauricio Moreno-Zambrano
Statistics scientist - Bayer AG
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Cited by
A mathematical model of cocoa bean fermentation
M Moreno-Zambrano, S Grimbs, MS Ullrich, MT Hütt
Royal Society Open Science 5 (10), 180964, 2018
Monitoring the changes in low molecular weight carbohydrates in cocoa beans during spontaneous fermentation: A chemometric and kinetic approach
R Megias-Perez, M Moreno-Zambrano, B Behrends, M Corno, N Kuhnert
Food Research International 128, 108865, 2020
Evaluación de dos métodos para la reducción de nitrógeno, fósforo y DQO de aguas residuales, mediante un cultivo axénico de cianobacterias y un consorcio microbiano …
M Moreno, B Naranjo, A Koch
Ciencia 13, 55-61, 2010
Exploring cocoa bean fermentation mechanisms by kinetic modelling
M Moreno-Zambrano, MS Ullrich, MT Hütt
Royal Society Open Science 9 (2), 210274, 2022
Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Alternative Hosts of Spring Dead Spot–Causing Fungi
FJ Flores, SM Marek, JA Anderson, TK Mitchell, M Moreno-Zambrano, ...
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 13 (1), 213-224, 2017
How do goats “read” 2D-images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics?
J Langbein, M Moreno-Zambrano, K Siebert
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1089566, 2023
Mathematical modeling of cocoa bean fermentation
M Moreno-Zambrano
Jacobs University Bremen, 2021
Electronic Supplementary Material for: A mathematical model of cocoa bean fermentation Journal of Royal Society–Open Science
M Moreno-Zambrano, S Grimbs, MS Ullrich, MT Hütt
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