Michel Lemaître
Michel Lemaître
Ex ingénieur/chercheur, ONERA, Toulouse, France
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Issues in multiagent resource allocation
Y Chevaleyre, PE Dunne, U Endriss, J Lang, M Lemaitre, N Maudet, ...
Selecting and scheduling observations of agile satellites
M Lemaı̂tre, G Verfaillie, F Jouhaud, JM Lachiver, N Bataille
Aerospace Science and Technology 6 (5), 367-381, 2002
Russian doll search for solving constraint optimization problems
G Verfaillie, M Lemaître, T Schiex
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 181-187, 1996
Characterizing conflicts in fair division of indivisible goods using a scale of criteria
S Bouveret, M Lemaître
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 30 (2), 259-290, 2016
Earth observation satellite management
E Bensana, M Lemaître, G Verfaillie
Constraints 4 (3), 293-299, 1999
Branch and bound algorithm selection by performance prediction
L Lobjois, M Lemaitre
AAAI/IAAI, 353-358, 1998
Computing leximin-optimal solutions in constraint networks
S Bouveret, M Lemaître
Artificial Intelligence 173 (2), 343-364, 2009
How to manage the new generation of agile earth observation satellites
M Lemaître, G Verfaillie, F Jouhaud, J Lachiver, N Bataille
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence …, 2000
Exploiting a common property resource under a fairness constraint: A case study
M Lemaître, G Verfaillie, N Bataille
Proceedings of the 16th international joint conference on Artifical …, 1999
Allocation of indivisible goods: a general model and some complexity results
S Bouveret, M Lemaître, H Fargier, J Lang
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
How to model planning and scheduling problems using constraint networks on timelines
G Verfaillie, C Pralet, M Lemaître
The Knowledge Engineering Review 25 (3), 319-336, 2010
Equitable allocation of earth observing satellites resources
M Lemaître, G Verfaillie, H Fargier, J Lang, N Bataille, JM Lachiver
Proceedings of the 5th ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium, 2003
An incomplete method for solving distributed valued constraint satisfaction problems
M Lemaître, G Verfaillie
Proceedings of the AAAI-97 Workshop on Constraints and Agents, Providence …, 1997
Selecting and scheduling observations for agile satellites: some lessons from the constraint reasoning community point of view
G Verfaillie, M Lemaître
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming—CP 2001: 7th …, 2001
Daily management of an earth observation satellite: comparison of ILOG solver with dedicated algorithms for valued constraint satisfaction problems
M Lemaître, G Verfaillie
Third ILOG International Users Meeting, Paris, France, 1997
Constraint-based modeling of discrete event dynamic systems
G Verfaillie, C Pralet, M Lemaître
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 21, 31-47, 2010
Tutorial on planning activities for earth watching and observation satellites and constellations: from off-line ground planning to on-line on-board planning
G Verfaillie, M Lemaître
Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling …, 2006
Switching device for balancing load in communication network based on source and destination load information and internal load information
M Cubero-Castan, G Durrieu, B Lecussan, M Lemaitre
US Patent 5,239,653, 1993
Constraint-based controller synthesis in non-deterministic and partially observable domains
C Pralet, G Verfaillie, M Lemaître, G Infantes
ECAI 2010, 681-686, 2010
Interaction between reactive and deliberative tasks for on-line decision-making
M Lemaître, G Verfaillie
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Providence …, 2007
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Articles 1–20