Evren Unsal
Evren Unsal
Shell Global Solutions Int BV
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Low salinity polymer flooding: Lower polymer retention and improved injectivity
E Unsal, A Ten Berge, DAZ Wever
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 163, 671-682, 2018
Effect of liquid characteristics on the wetting, capillary migration, and retention properties of fibrous polymer networks
E Unsal, JH Dane, P Schwartz
Journal of applied polymer science 97 (1), 282-292, 2005
Pore scale dynamics of microemulsion formation
E Unsal, M Broens, RT Armstrong
Langmuir 32 (28), 7096-7108, 2016
Co-current and counter-current imbibition in independent tubes of non-axisymmetric geometry
E Unsal, G Mason, NR Morrow, DW Ruth
Journal of colloid and interface science 306 (1), 105-117, 2007
Spontaneous imbibition of surfactant solution into an oil-wet capillary: wettability restoration by surfactant− contaminant complexation
PS Hammond, E Unsal
Langmuir 27 (8), 4412-4429, 2011
Co-and counter-current spontaneous imbibition into groups of capillary tubes with lateral connections permitting cross-flow
E Unsal, G Mason, DW Ruth, NR Morrow
Journal of colloid and interface science 315 (1), 200-209, 2007
Simulation of multiphase flow in fractured reservoirs using a fracture-only model with transfer functions
E Unsal, SK Matthäi, MJ Blunt
Computational Geosciences 14, 527-538, 2010
Spontaneous and forced imbibition of aqueous wettability altering surfactant solution into an initially oil-wet capillary
PS Hammond, E Unsal
Langmuir 25 (21), 12591-12603, 2009
Bubble snap-off and capillary-back pressure during counter-current spontaneous imbibition into model pores
E Unsal, G Mason, NR Morrow, DW Ruth
Langmuir 25 (6), 3387-3395, 2009
Non-uniqueness and uncertainty quantification of relative permeability measurements by inverse modelling
S Berg, E Unsal, H Dijk
Computers and Geotechnics 132, 103964, 2021
A dynamic pore network model for oil displacement by wettability-altering surfactant solution
PS Hammond, E Unsal
Transport in porous media 92, 789-817, 2012
Emulsification kinetics during quasi-miscible flow in dead-end pores
M Broens, E Unsal
Advances in Water Resources 113, 13-22, 2018
Imaging of compositional gradients during in situ emulsification using X-ray micro-tomography
E Unsal, M Rücker, S Berg, WB Bartels, A Bonnin
Journal of colloid and interface science 550, 159-169, 2019
A genetic algorithm for predicting pore geometry based on air permeability measurements
E Unsal, JH Dane, GV Dozier
Vadose Zone Journal 4 (2), 389-397, 2005
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for parameterization of multiphase flow models
S Berg, E Unsal, H Dijk
Transport in Porous Media, 1-31, 2021
Forced and spontaneous imbibition of surfactant solution into an oil-wet capillary: the effects of surfactant diffusion ahead of the advancing meniscus
PS Hammond, E Unsal
Langmuir 26 (9), 6206-6221, 2010
Soil hydraulic functions determined from measurements of air permeability, capillary modeling, and high‐dimensional parameter estimation
JH Dane, JA Vrugt, E Unsal
Vadose Zone Journal 10 (1), 459-465, 2011
Simultaneous determination of relative permeability and capillary pressure from an unsteady-state core flooding experiment?
S Berg, H Dijk, E Unsal, R Hofmann, B Zhao, VR Ahuja
Computers and Geotechnics 168, 106091, 2024
Effects of surfactant on wettability and oil recovery in a pore network model
E Unsal, P Hammond, M Schneider
IOR 2011-16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, cp-230-00005, 2011
Redox effects on relative permeability in Fe-rich clay bearing sandstones
E Unsal, H van der Linde, OB Wilson
Marine and Petroleum Geology 115, 104251, 2020
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Articles 1–20