Amina Benkhedda
Amina Benkhedda
Phd in aeronautic,Laboratory of Aeronautical Sciences, Institute of Aeronautics and Spatial Studies, university Saad Dahlab, Bli
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Vibration analysis of nonlocal porous nanobeams made of functionally graded material
H Berghouti, EA Adda Bedia, A Benkhedda, A Tounsi
Advances in nano research 7 (5), 351-364, 2019
Effect of temperature and humidity on transient hygrothermal stresses during moisture desorption in laminated composite plates
A Benkhedda, A Tounsi
Composite Structures 82 (4), 629-635, 2008
Analysis of the composite patches cracked and aged in hygrothermal conditions
T Rezoug, A Benkhedda, M Khodjet-Kesba, EAB Adda
MECANIQUE & INDUSTRIES 12 (5), 395-398, 2011
Prediction of Poisson’s ratio degradation in hygrothermal aged and cracked [θm/90n] s composite laminates
M Khodjet-Kesba, EA AddaBedia, A Benkhedda, B Boukert
Ste. & Comp. Struc. 21, 57-72, 2016
A new simple shear deformation theory for free vibration analysis of isotropic and FG plates under different boundary conditions
A Mahi, EA Adda Bedia, A Tounsi, A Benkhedda
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 11 (3), 437-470, 2015
Adda bedia
A Benkhedda, A Tounsi
EA [2007]-Effect of temperature and humidity on transient hygrothermal …, 0
Hygrothermal stresses analysis of thick composite plates using high order theory under a Fick concentration distribution
B Boukert, A Benkhedda, EB Adda, M Khodjet-Kesba
Procedia Structural Integrity 17, 37-43, 2019
The influence of hygrothermal effects on the cross-ply composite laminate with transverse cracking in transient mode
M Khodjet-Kesba, A Benkhedda, T Rezoug
Mechanics & Industry 18 (1), 102, 2017
Hygrothermal Effect in [θm/90n] s Cracked Composite Laminates–Desorption Case
M Khodjet-Kesba, EAA Bedia, A Benkhedda, B Boukert
Procedia Engineering 114, 110-117, 2015
On transverse matrix cracking in composite laminates loaded in flexure under transient hygrothermal conditions
M Khodjet-Kesba, A Benkhedda, EAA Bedia, B Boukert
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 67 (2), 165-173, 2018
Hygrothermomechanical behavior of thick composite plates using high order theory
B Boukert, A Benkhedda, EAA Bedia, M Khodjet-Kesba
Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 115-122, 2017
Effect of high temperature on the stiffness properties of cracked composite laminates with different off-axis angles
MK Kesba, A Benkhedda, B Boukert
Procedia Structural Integrity 28, 864-872, 2020
Hygrothermal effect on the moisture absorption in composite laminates with transverse cracks and delamination
MK Kesba, A Benkhedda, B Boukert
Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science 6 (4), 315-331, 2019
Analysis of transient hygrothermal ageing analysis of hybrid composite materials in asymmetric environments
B Boukert, A Benkhedda, S Bergheul
Key Engineering Materials 550, 49-56, 2013
Free vibration analysis of FGM plates under initial thermal stresses
A Mahi, EA Adda-Bedia, A Benkhedda
Advanced Materials Research 682, 49-56, 2013
Prediction of stiffness degradation in composite laminate with transverse cracking and delamination under hygrothermal conditions-desorption case
B Boukert, M Khodjet-Kesba, A Benkhedda, EAA Bedia
Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science 11 (1), 1-21, 2024
Stress Distribution on the Cracked Sandwich Plate with Non Linear Thermal and Moisture Concentration
MK Kesba, E NOUREDDINE, A Benkhedda
Nano Hybrids and Composites 32, 45-62, 2021
Temperature and Humidity Influence Analysis on the Behavior of Thick Composite Plates Using High Order Theory
B Boukert, A Benkhedda, EB Adda, M Khodjet-Kesba
Procedia Structural Integrity 13, 174-180, 2018
An analytical method for free vibration analysis of composite beams subjected to initial thermal stresses
A Mahi, EA Adda-Bedia, A Benkhedda
Key Engineering Materials 482, 1-9, 2011
Analyse des plaques composites fissurées et vieillies en conditions hygrothermiques
T Rezoug, A Benkhedda, M Khodjet-kesba
Mécanique & industries 12 (5), 395-398, 2011
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Articles 1–20