Bhagwan Asewar
Bhagwan Asewar
University Head, Dept.of Agronomy and Director of Extension Education, VNMKV, Parbhani
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Integrated use of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer in chickpea.
BV Asewar, SS Bainade, OD Kohire, PS Bainade
Effect of different sowing dates on growth and yield of kharif sorghum hybrids
MB Karhale, PR Jaybhaye, BV Asewar, PB Shinde
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 (3), 289-293, 2014
Response of Mungbean Cultivars to Different Rhizobium Strains Under Rainfed Conditions
BVAALD K.D.Navgire, V.V.Datar
Ann.plant physiol 2, 134-137, 2001
Effect of spacing and fertilizer levels on seed cotton yield and economics of BtCotton
BGPDNG B.V. Asewar, PawarS.U.
J. of Cotton Research and Development 27 (1), 2013
Bioefficacy of newer insecticides against sucking pests of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench).
SS Gosalwad, BR Kwathekar, DW Wadnerkar, BV Asewar, DN Dhutraj
Effect of ferrous and zinc nutrient management practices on rice under aerobic condition.
KT Jadhav, DC Lokhande, BV Asewar
Effect of in-situ water management and intercropping systems on yield of rainfed cotton
J. cotton Res. Dev, 173-175, 2008
Correlation studies in weather parameters and yield of black gram varieties under changing weather conditions
RB Mane, BV Asewar, YE Kadam, KV Deshmukh
Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci 7, 37-42, 2018
Evaluation of rainwater conservation practices for reducing runoff, soil loss and enhancing moisture availability under rainfed soybean
MS Pendke, BV Asewar, SH Narale, GR Chary, KA Gopinath
Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development 34 (1), 38-41, 2019
Response of pigeon pea to application of phosphorus and P solubilizer.
BV Asewar, SS Bainade, OD Kohire, PS Binade
Response of growth and yield of Bt cotton to planting densities as influnced by growth regualtors.
BVAMIAB O S Khetre, VS Shinde
International Journal of Chemical Studies 6 (4), 485-488, 2018
Influence of Dates of Sowing on Kharif Green Gram [Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek]Varieties Under Varied Weather Conditions.
Trends in Biosciences 11 (6), 794-796, 2018
Broad bed and furrow technique- A climate smart technology for rainfed soybean of Marathwada region
SHNMSS AsewarB.V., A.K. Gore, M.S. Pendke, D.P. Waskar, G.K. Gaikwad, G ...
Journal of Agriculture Research and Technology 43 (3), 5-9, 2017
Impact of improved technology on productivity of pulses.
BVASS Bainade
Indian J.Pulses Res 1, 57-59, 2005
Weed control efficiency with herbicide application by the combination of Drone and Knapsack sprayer in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
D Pranaswi, MP Jagtap, BV Asewar, DN Gokhale, GU Shinde
Pharma Innov 11, 741-744, 2022
Effect of tillage and land configuration practices on growth and yield of rainfed soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill)
SY Dhale, AK Gore, BV Asewar, SA Javle
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10 (1), 1245-1248, 2021
Design and Assessment of Borewell Recharge Technique for Groundwater Enhancement and Recharge in Assured Rainfall Zone of Marathwada Region
GRCBN .S. PendkeB.V. Asewar, D.P. Waskar,M.S.Samindre, A.K. Gore
Indian J. Dryland Agric. Res. & Dev. 32 (2), 56-60, 2017
Response of soybean to sowing dates and spacing under rainfed condition
ABV Jaybhaye P.R., ShindeP.B.
Int.J.of Trop. Agric.Voi 33 (2), 747-750, 2015
Effect of ferrous sulphate on grain yield of upland Basmati rice.
BV Asewar, VV Dahiphale, GV Chavan, NB Katare, JS Sontakke
Yield and economics of pigeonpea based Intercropping systems as influenced by different land configurations
PSUIABM H.S.Garud, Asewar B.V.
Agric. Sci. Digest, 38 (4), 275-279, 2018
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Articles 1–20