Jing Li
Jing Li
Associate Professor of Mathematics, California State University Northridge
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The Failure of R0
J Li, D Blakeley, RJ Smith?
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2011 (1), 527610, 2011
Modeling spatial spread of infectious diseases with a fixed latent period in a spatially continuous domain
J Li, X Zou
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 71, 2048-2079, 2009
Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR model to a patchy environment for a disease with latency
J Li, X Zou
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 4 (2), 92-118, 2009
Dynamics of an epidemic model with non-local infections for diseases with latency over a patchy environment
J Li, X Zou
Journal of mathematical biology 60 (5), 645-686, 2010
Modeling waning and boosting of COVID-19 in Canada with vaccination
L Childs, DW Dick, Z Feng, JM Heffernan, J Li, G Röst
Epidemics 39, 100583, 2022
Species interactions affect the spread of vector‐borne plant pathogens independent of transmission mode
DW Crowder, J Li, ET Borer, DL Finke, R Sharon, DE Pattemore, ...
Ecology 100 (9), e02782, 2019
Modeling the waning and boosting of immunity from infection or vaccination
RM Carlsson, LM Childs, Z Feng, JW Glasser, JM Heffernan, J Li, G Röst
Journal of theoretical biology 497, 110265, 2020
Can we spend our way out of the AIDS epidemic? A world halting AIDS model
RJ Smith, J Li, R Gordon, JM Heffernan
BMC Public Health 9, 1-17, 2009
Games of age-dependent prevention of chronic infections by social distancing
TC Reluga, J Li
Journal of mathematical biology 66, 1527-1553, 2013
Pick your trade-offs wisely: Predator-prey eco-evo dynamics are qualitatively different under different trade-offs
SR Fleischer, terHorst Casey P., J Li
Journal of Theoretical Biology 456, 201-212, 2018
COVID-19 seroprevalence in Canada modelling waning and boosting COVID-19 immunity in Canada a Canadian immunization research network study
DW Dick, L Childs, Z Feng, J Li, G Röst, DL Buckeridge, NH Ogden, ...
Vaccines 10 (1), 17, 2021
Using within-host mathematical modelling to predict the long-term outcome of human papillomavirus vaccines
RJ Smith, J Li, J Mao, B Sahai
Canadian Applied Mathematics Quartely 21 (2), 2013
Provisioning of public health can be designed to anticipate public policy responses
J Li, DV Lindberg, RA Smith, TC Reluga
Bulletin of mathematical biology 79, 163-190, 2017
Orchard layout and plant traits influence fruit yield more strongly than pollinator behaviour and density in a dioecious crop
A Peace, D Pattemore, M Broussard, D Fonseka, N Tomer, ...
PLoS One 15 (10), e0231120, 2020
A Mathematical Model for Biocontrol of the Invasive Weed Fallopia japonica
SA Gourley, J Li, X Zou
Bulletin of mathematical biology 78, 1678-1702, 2016
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) hive placement is more influential than orchard layout on the fruit set of a dioecious crop
J Li, M Broussard, N Tomer, M Jochym, D Fonseka, A Peace, L Jesson, ...
Ecological Modelling 472, 110074, 2022
Fall 2021 resurgence and COVID-19 seroprevalence in Canada modelling waning and boosting COVID-19 immunity in Canada A Canadian Immunization Research Network Study
DW Dick, L Childs, Z Feng, J Li, G Röst, DL Buckeridge, NH Ogden, ...
medRxiv, 2021.08. 17.21262188, 2021
Existence and uniqueness of positive periodic solutions of the Logistic equations with non-local boundary conditions
J Li, L Zhou
Mathematica Applicata 16 (s), 155-160., 2003
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Articles 1–18