Magdoom Kulam
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Cited by
Connectome 2.0: Developing the next-generation ultra-high gradient strength human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso-and macro-connectome
SY Huang, T Witzel, B Keil, A Scholz, M Davids, P Dietz, E Rummert, ...
NeuroImage 243, 118530, 2021
Modeling basal ganglia for understanding Parkinsonian reaching movements
KN Magdoom, D Subramanian, VS Chakravarthy, B Ravindran, S Amari, ...
Neural Computation 23 (2), 477-516, 2011
MRI of whole rat brain perivascular network reveals role for ventricles in brain waste clearance
KN Magdoom, A Brown, J Rey, TH Mareci, MA King, M Sarntinoranont
Scientific reports 9 (1), 11480, 2019
MRI-based computational model of heterogeneous tracer transport following local infusion into a mouse hind limb tumor
KN Magdoom, GL Pishko, L Rice, C Pampo, DW Siemann, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e89594, 2014
Evaluation of a voxelized model based on DCE-MRI for tracer transport in tumor
KN Magdoom, GL Pishko, J Hwan Kim, M Sarntinoranont
A new framework for MR diffusion tensor distribution
KN Magdoom, S Pajevic, G Dario, PJ Basser
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 2766, 2021
Phase contrast MRI of creeping flows using stimulated echo
KN Magdoom, A Zeinomar, RR Lonser, M Sarntinoranont, TH Mareci
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 299, 49-58, 2019
A novel framework for in-vivo diffusion tensor distribution MRI of the human brain
KN Magdoom, AV Avram, JE Sarlls, G Dario, PJ Basser
NeuroImage 271, 120003, 2023
Perivascular network segmentations derived from high-field MRI and their implications for perivascular and parenchymal mass transport in the rat brain
JA Rey, UM Farid, CM Najjoum, A Brown, KN Magdoom, TH Mareci, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9205, 2023
Multimodal anatomical mapping of subcortical regions in marmoset monkeys using high-resolution MRI and matched histology with multiple stains
KS Saleem, AV Avram, CCC Yen, KN Magdoom, V Schram, PJ Basser
NeuroImage 281, 120311, 2023
High Resolution Ex Vivo Diffusion Tensor Distribution MRI of Neural Tissue
KN Magdoom, ME Komlosh, K Saleem, D Gasbarra, PJ Basser
Frontiers in Physics 10, 807000, 2022
Longitudinal evaluation of tumor microenvironment in rat focal brainstem glioma using diffusion and perfusion MRI
KN Magdoom, F Delgado, AC Bohórquez, AC Brown, PR Carney, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 49 (5), 1322-1332, 2019
Super-resolution mean diéusivity spectroscopic MRI in the human brain
AV Avram, M Kulam, JE Sarlls, R Freidlin, PJ Basser
An MRI-based switched gradient impulse response characterization method with uniform eigenmode excitation
KN Magdoom, M Sarntinoranont, TH Mareci
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 313, 106720, 2020
A Theoretical Framework for Representing and Estimating a Normal Diffusion Tensor Distribution
MK Najmudeen, D Gasbarra, PJ Basser
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 28, 2020
Diffusion Tensor Distribution (DTD) MRI Reimagined
KN Magdoom, E Komlosh Michal, G Dario, J Basser Peter
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2020
Water Diffusion in the Live Human Brain is Gaussian at the Mesoscale
KN Magdoom, AV Avram, TE Witzel, SY Huang, PJ Basser
bioRxiv, 2024.04. 10.588939, 2024
A novel denoising strategy for ultrasound elastography
M Kulam, P Basser
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154 (4_supplement), A138-A138, 2023
Julian A. Rey, Uzair M. Farid, Christopher M. Najjoum, Alec Brown 2
KN Magdoom, TH Mareci, M Sarntinoranont
Scientific Reports 13, 9205, 2023
Ion diffusion measurement using DT-MREIT
M Chauhan, M Kulam, A Brown, TH Mareci, RJ Sadleir
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Articles 1–20