Jack Vevea
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Fixed-and random-effects models in meta-analysis.
LV Hedges, JL Vevea
Psychological methods 3 (4), 486, 1998
Sources of variability in children’s language growth
J Huttenlocher, H Waterfall, M Vasilyeva, J Vevea, LV Hedges
Cognitive psychology 61 (4), 343-365, 2010
Evaluating coding decisions
RG Orwin, JL Vevea
The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis 2, 177-203, 2009
Publication bias in research synthesis: sensitivity analysis using a priori weight functions.
JL Vevea, CM Woods
Psychological methods 10 (4), 428, 2005
Beyond the group mind: a quantitative review of the interindividual-intergroup discontinuity effect.
T Wildschut, B Pinter, JL Vevea, CA Insko, J Schopler
Psychological bulletin 129 (5), 698, 2003
Pancultural self-enhancement reloaded: a meta-analytic reply to Heine (2005).
C Sedikides, L Gaertner, JL Vevea
American Psychological Association 89 (4), 539, 2005
Why do categories affect stimulus judgment?
J Huttenlocher, LV Hedges, JL Vevea
Journal of experimental psychology: General 129 (2), 220, 2000
A general linear model for estimating effect size in the presence of publication bias
JL Vevea, LV Hedges
Psychometrika 60, 419-435, 1995
The varieties of speech to young children.
J Huttenlocher, M Vasilyeva, HR Waterfall, JL Vevea, LV Hedges
Developmental psychology 43 (5), 1062, 2007
Truancy, grade point average, and sexual activity: A meta‐analysis of risk indicators for youth substance use
D Hallfors, JL Vevea, B Iritani, HS Cho, S Khatapoush, L Saxe
Journal of School Health 72 (5), 205-211, 2002
A re-examination of the mere exposure effect: The influence of repeated exposure on recognition, familiarity, and liking.
RM Montoya, RS Horton, JL Vevea, M Citkowicz, EA Lauber
Psychological bulletin 143 (5), 459, 2017
Estimating effect size under publication bias: Small sample properties and robustness of a random effects selection model
LV Hedges, JL Vevea
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 21 (4), 299-332, 1996
The" I," the" we," and the" when": a meta-analysis of motivational primacy in self-definition.
L Gaertner, C Sedikides, JL Vevea, J Iuzzini
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (3), 574, 2002
Environmental input and cognitive growth: A study using time‐period comparisons
J Huttenlocher, S Levine, J Vevea
Child Development 69 (4), 1012-1029, 1998
Augmented Scores-" Borrowing Strength" to Compute Scores Based on Small Numbers ofltems
H Wainer, JL Vevea, F Camacho, BB Reeve III, K Rosa, L Nelson, ...
Test scoring, 355-400, 2001
Selection method approaches
LV Hedges, J Vevea
Publication Bias in Meta‐Analysis: Prevention, Assessment and Adjustments …, 2005
A survey of publication practices of single‐case design researchers when treatments have small or large effects
WR Shadish, NAM Zelinsky, JL Vevea, TR Kratochwill
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 49 (3), 656-673, 2016
Inclusion of theory‐relevant moderators yield the same conclusions as Sedikides, Gaertner, and Vevea (2005): A meta‐analytical reply to Heine, Kitayama, and Hamamura (2007)
C Sedikides, L Gaertner, JL Vevea
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 10 (2), 59-67, 2007
Are compulsive checkers impaired in memory? A meta-analytic review.
CM Woods, JL Vevea, DL Chambless, UJ Bayen
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 9 (4), 353, 2002
Towards the identification of the optimal number of relevance categories
R Tang, WM Shaw Jr, JL Vevea
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 50 (3), 254-264, 1999
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Articles 1–20