Dr Louise McLean
Dr Louise McLean
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Cited by
The impact of joint media engagement on parent–child interactions: A systematic review
CA Ewin, AE Reupert, LA McLean, CJ Ewin
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 3 (2), 230-254, 2021
Parental expressed emotion during two forms of family‐based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa
E Allan, D Le Grange, SM Sawyer, LA McLean, EK Hughes
European Eating Disorders Review 26 (1), 46-52, 2018
Behavior change techniques incorporated in fitness trackers: content analysis
GLC Chia, A Anderson, LA McLean
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (7), e12768, 2019
“We are more than our parents’ mental illness”: narratives from adult children
PM Patrick, AE Reupert, LA McLean
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (5), 839, 2019
Use of technology to support self-management in individuals with Autism: Systematic Review
GLC Chia, A Anderson, LA McLean
Review Journal of Autism and developmental disorders 5, 142-155, 2018
Cognitive style and gender differences in children’s mathematics achievement
JL Arnup, C Murrihy, J Roodenburg, LA McLean
Educational Studies 39 (3), 355-368, 2013
Adjustment of Mothers of Children With Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Injuries: Testing a Risk and Resistance Model.
LA McLean, DHP Harvey, JF Pallant, JR Bartlett, KLA Mutimer
Rehabilitation Psychology 49 (3), 233, 2004
Nature streaming: Contrasting the effectiveness of perceived live and recorded videos of nature for restoration
TL Snell, LA McLean, F McAsey, M Zhang, D Maggs
Environment and Behavior 51 (9-10), 1082-1105, 2019
Effectiveness of a school-based early intervention CBT group programme for children with anxiety aged 5–7 years
S Ruocco, J Gordon, LA McLean
Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 9 (1), 29-49, 2016
Mobile devices compared to non-digital toy play: The impact of activity type on the quality and quantity of parent language
CA Ewin, A Reupert, LA McLean, CJ Ewin
Computers in human behavior 118, 106669, 2021
Father participation with mothers in the Signposts program: An initial investigation
FS May, LA Mclean, A Anderson, A Hudson, C Cameron, J Matthews
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 38 (1), 39-47, 2013
Promoting mental health at school: short-term effectiveness of a popular school-based resiliency programme
H Anthony, LA McLean
Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 8 (4), 199-215, 2015
Child sleep problems and parental depression: Testing a risk and resistance model
KM Moore, JE Gordon, LA McLean
Journal of Child and Family Studies 21, 982-991, 2012
Interrelations of stress, optimism and control in older people's psychological adjustment
SJ Bretherton, LA McLean
Australasian Journal on Ageing 34 (2), 103-108, 2015
Anti-obesity public health advertisements increase risk factors for the development of eating disorders
C Bristow, KA Allen, J Simmonds, T Snell, L McLean
Health Promotion International 37 (2), daab107, 2022
Learning to cope: A CBT evaluation exploring self-reported changes in coping with anxiety among school children aged 5–7 years
S Ruocco, NC Freeman, LA McLean
The Educational and Developmental Psychologist 35 (2), 67-87, 2018
Psychological outcomes for young adults after disastrous events: A mixed-methods scoping review
K O'Donohue, E Berger, L McLean, M Carroll
Social science & medicine 276, 113851, 2021
Naturalistic observations of caregiver–child dyad mobile device use
CA Ewin, A Reupert, LA McLean
Journal of child and Family Studies 30, 2042-2054, 2021
A cross‐sectional study on intergenerational parenting and attachment patterns in adult children of parents with mental illness
PM Patrick, AE Reupert, LA McLean
Child & Family Social Work 24 (4), 601-609, 2019
Web-based health intervention for young people who have a parent with a mental illness: Delphi study among potential future users
JL Matar, DJ Maybery, LA McLean, A Reupert
Journal of Medical Internet Research 20 (10), e10158, 2018
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Articles 1–20