Itay Barnea
Itay Barnea
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Cited by
The chemokine CCL5 as a potential prognostic factor predicting disease progression in stage II breast cancer patients
N Yaal-Hahoshen, S Shina, L Leider-Trejo, I Barnea, EL Shabtai, ...
Clinical cancer research 12 (15), 4474-4480, 2006
TOP-GAN: Stain-free cancer cell classification using deep learning with a small training set
M Rubin, O Stein, NA Turko, Y Nygate, D Roitshtain, L Karako, I Barnea, ...
Medical image analysis 57, 176-185, 2019
MUC1 gene overexpressed in breast cancer: structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter and role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in regulation of the MUC1 gene …
JZ Zaretsky, I Barnea, Y Aylon, M Gorivodsky, DH Wreschner, I Keydar
Molecular cancer 5, 1-14, 2006
Rapid 3D refractive‐index imaging of live cells in suspension without labeling using dielectrophoretic cell rotation
M Habaza, M Kirschbaum, C Guernth‐Marschner, G Dardikman, I Barnea, ...
Advanced Science 4 (2), 1600205, 2017
Automated analysis of individual sperm cells using stain‐free interferometric phase microscopy and machine learning
SK Mirsky, I Barnea, M Levi, H Greenspan, NT Shaked
Cytometry Part A 91 (9), 893-900, 2017
Holographic virtual staining of individual biological cells
YN Nygate, M Levi, SK Mirsky, NA Turko, M Rubin, I Barnea, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (17), 9223-9231, 2020
Antibody internalization studied using a novel IgG binding toxin fusion
Y Mazor, I Barnea, I Keydar, I Benhar
Journal of immunological methods 321 (1-2), 41-59, 2007
Real‐time stain‐free classification of cancer cells and blood cells using interferometric phase microscopy and machine learning
N Nissim, M Dudaie, I Barnea, NT Shaked
Cytometry Part A 99 (5), 511-523, 2021
Curcumin: A potential radio‐enhancer in head and neck cancer
A Khafif, S Lev‐Ari, A Vexler, I Barnea, A Starr, V Karaush, S Haif, ...
The Laryngoscope 119 (10), 2019-2026, 2009
Simultaneous three-wavelength unwrapping using external digital holographic multiplexing module
NA Turko, PJ Eravuchira, I Barnea, NT Shaked
Optics Letters 43 (9), 1943-1946, 2018
High-resolution 4-D acquisition of freely swimming human sperm cells without staining
G Dardikman-Yoffe, SK Mirsky, I Barnea, NT Shaked
Science advances 6 (15), eaay7619, 2020
Integral refractive index imaging of flowing cell nuclei using quantitative phase microscopy combined with fluorescence microscopy
G Dardikman, YN Nygate, I Barnea, NA Turko, G Singh, B Javidi, ...
Biomedical optics express 9 (3), 1177-1189, 2018
Quantitative phase imaging by wide-field interferometry with variable shearing distance uncoupled from the off-axis angle
R Guo, SK Mirsky, I Barnea, M Dudaie, NT Shaked
Optics express 28 (4), 5617-5628, 2020
Individual sperm selection by microfluidics integrated with interferometric phase microscopy
PJ Eravuchira, SK Mirsky, I Barnea, M Levi, M Balberg, NT Shaked
Methods 136, 152-159, 2018
Simultaneous off-axis multiplexed holography and regular fluorescence microscopy of biological cells
YN Nygate, G Singh, I Barnea, NT Shaked
Optics letters 43 (11), 2587-2590, 2018
Limited-angle tomographic phase microscopy utilizing confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy
R Guo, I Barnea, NT Shaked
Biomedical Optics Express 12 (4), 1869-1881, 2021
Label‐free discrimination and selection of cancer cells from blood during flow using holography‐induced dielectrophoresis
M Dudaie, N Nissim, I Barnea, T Gerling, C Duschl, M Kirschbaum, ...
Journal of Biophotonics 13 (11), e202000151, 2020
Dynamic tomographic phase microscopy by double six-pack holography
SK Mirsky, I Barnea, NT Shaked
ACS photonics 9 (4), 1295-1303, 2022
Localized measurements of physical parameters within human sperm cells obtained with wide‐field interferometry
M Balberg, M Levi, K Kalinowski, I Barnea, SK Mirsky, NT Shaked
Journal of Biophotonics 10 (10), 1305-1314, 2017
Low-coherence shearing interferometry with constant off-axis angle
R Guo, I Barnea, NT Shaked
Frontiers in Physics 8, 611679, 2021
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Articles 1–20