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The evaluation of renewable energy technologies for electricity generation in Turkey using intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS
FE Boran, K Boran, T Menlik
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 7 (1), 81-90, 2012
Determination of efficiency of flat-plate solar collectors using neural network approach
A Sözen, T Menlik, S Ünvar
Expert Systems with Applications 35 (4), 1533-1539, 2008
Effect of titanium dioxide/water nanofluid use on thermal performance of the flat plate solar collector
F Kiliç, T Menlik, A Sözen
Solar Energy 164, 101-108, 2018
Improving car radiator performance by using TiO2-water nanofluid
SA Ahmed, M Ozkaymak, A Sözen, T Menlik, A Fahed
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21 (5), 996-1005, 2018
Determination of freeze-drying behaviors of apples by artificial neural network
T Menlik, MB Özdemir, V Kirmaci
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 7669-7677, 2010
Heat transfer enhancement using MgO/water nanofluid in heat pipe
T Menlik, A Sözen, M Gürü, S Öztaş
Journal of the Energy Institute 88 (3), 247-257, 2015
Numerical study of a photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) system using mono and hybrid nanofluid
I Karaaslan, T Menlik
Solar Energy 224, 1260-1270, 2021
Improving the thermal performance of diffusion absorption refrigeration system with alumina nanofluids: An experimental study
A Sözen, E Özbaş, T Menlik, MT Çakır, M Gürü, K Boran
International Journal of Refrigeration 44, 73-80, 2014
A comparative investigation on the effect of fly-ash and alumina nanofluids on the thermal performance of two-phase closed thermo-syphon heat pipes
A Sözen, T Menlik, M Gürü, K Boran, F Kılıç, M Aktaş, MT Çakır
Applied Thermal Engineering 96, 330-337, 2016
Experimental comparison of Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate surfactants on thermal performance of TiO2–deionized water nanofluid in a …
A Sözen, M Gürü, T Menlik, U Karakaya, E Çiftçi
Experimental Heat Transfer 31 (5), 450-469, 2018
An experimental study on freeze-drying behavior of strawberries
V Kırmacı, H Usta, T Menlik
Drying Technology 26 (12), 1570-1576, 2008
The effect of ejector on the performance of diffusion absorption refrigeration systems: An experimental study
A Sözen, T Menlik, E Özbaş
Applied thermal engineering 33, 44-53, 2012
Determination of thermodynamic properties of an alternative refrigerant (R407c) using artificial neural network
A Sözen, E Arcaklioğlu, T Menli, M Özalp
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 4346-4356, 2009
Multi-criteria axiomatic design approach to evaluate sites for grid-connected photovoltaic power plants: A case study in Turkey
FE Boran, T Menlik, K Boran
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 5 (3), 290-300, 2010
Modeling of freeze drying behaviors of strawberries by using artificial neural network
T Menlik, V Kirmaci, H Usta
J. Thermal Sci. Technol 29 (2), 11-21, 2009
Utilization of fly ash nanofluids in two-phase closed thermosyphon for enhancing heat transfer
A Sözen, T Menlik, M Gürü, AF Irmak, F Kılıç, M Aktaş
Experimental heat transfer 29 (3), 337-354, 2016
Derivation of empirical equations for thermodynamic properties of a ozone safe refrigerant (R404a) using artificial neural network
A Sözen, E Arcaklioğlu, T Menlik
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2), 1158-1168, 2010
Energy and exergy analysis of R22 and its alternatives in a vapour compression refrigeration system
T Menlik, A Demircioğlu, MG Özkaya
International Journal of Exergy 12 (1), 11-30, 2013
Utilization of blast furnace slag nano-fluids in two-phase closed thermos-syphon heat pipes for enhancing heat transfer
A Sözen, M Gürü, T Menlik, M Aktaş
Experimental Heat Transfer 30 (2), 112-125, 2017
The forecasting of net electricity consumption of the consumer groups in Turkey
A Sözen, O Isikan, T Menlik, E Arcaklioglu
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 6 (1), 20-46, 2011
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Articles 1–20