Bin Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Transferable model for chromosome architecture
M Di Pierro, B Zhang, EL Aiden, PG Wolynes, JN Onuchic
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (43), 12168-12173, 2016
Topology, structures, and energy landscapes of human chromosomes
B Zhang, P Wolynes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (19), 6062-6067, 2015
Large-scale topological changes restrain malignant progression in colorectal cancer
SE Johnstone, A Reyes, Y Qi, C Adriaens, E Hegazi, K Pelka, JH Chen, ...
Cell 182 (6), 1474-1489. e23, 2020
Stem cell differentiation as a many-body problem
B Zhang, PG Wolynes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (28), 10185-10190, 2014
Exploring the free energy landscape of nucleosomes
B Zhang, W Zheng, GA Papoian, PG Wolynes
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (26), 8126-8133, 2016
Predicting three-dimensional genome organization with chromatin states
Y Qi, B Zhang
PLoS computational biology 15 (6), e1007024, 2019
Hydrophobically stabilized open state for the lateral gate of the Sec translocon
B Zhang, TF Miller III
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (12), 5399-5404, 2010
Super-resolution imaging reveals 3D structure and organizing mechanism of accessible chromatin
L Xie, P Dong, Y Qi, M De Marzio, X Chen, S Banala, WR Legant, ...
bioRxiv, 678649, 2019
Maximum entropy optimized force field for intrinsically disordered proteins
AP Latham, B Zhang
Journal of chemical theory and computation 16 (1), 773-781, 2019
Long-Timescale Dynamics and Regulation of Sec-Facilitated Protein Translocation
B Zhang, TF Miller III
Cell Reports, 2012
Shape Transitions and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the Energy Landscape of the Mitotic Chromosome
B Zhang, P Wolynes
Physical Review Letters 116, 248101, 2016
Multiscale modeling of genome organization with maximum entropy optimization
X Lin, Y Qi, AP Latham, B Zhang
The Journal of chemical physics 155 (1), 2021
Molecular mechanism of facilitated dissociation of Fis protein from DNA
MY Tsai, B Zhang, W Zheng, PG Wolynes
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (41), 13497-13500, 2016
Genomic energy landscapes
B Zhang, PG Wolynes
Biophysical journal 112 (3), 427-433, 2017
Consistent force field captures homologue-resolved HP1 phase separation
AP Latham, B Zhang
Journal of chemical theory and computation 17 (5), 3134-3144, 2021
Data-driven polymer model for mechanistic exploration of diploid genome organization
Y Qi, A Reyes, SE Johnstone, MJ Aryee, BE Bernstein, B Zhang
Biophysical Journal 119 (9), 1905-1916, 2020
Chromatin network retards nucleoli coalescence
Y Qi, B Zhang
Nature Communications 12 (1), 6824, 2021
Regulation of multispanning membrane protein topology via post-translational annealing
RCV Lehn, B Zhang, TF Miller
Elife, 2015
Stability and folding pathways of tetra-nucleosome from six-dimensional free energy surface
X Ding, X Lin, B Zhang
Nature communications 12 (1), 1091, 2021
DeepBAR: a fast and exact method for binding free energy computation
X Ding, B Zhang
The journal of physical chemistry letters 12 (10), 2509-2515, 2021
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Articles 1–20