Jae-Hoon Kim
Jae-Hoon Kim
Korea Maritime and Ocean University
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Korean text summarization using an aggregate similarity
JH Kim, JH Kim, D Hwang
Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on on Information retrieval …, 2000
Mobile robot path planning based on bi-population particle swarm optimization with random perturbation strategy
B Tao, JH Kim
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 36 (2), 101974, 2024
Evaluating a Pivot‐Based Approach for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction
JH Kim, HS Kwon, HW Seo
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2015 (1), 434153, 2015
Automatically constructing English-Korean parallel corpus from web documents
HW Seo, HC Kim, HY Cho, JH Kim, SI Yang
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 161-164, 2006
Fuzzy network model for part-of-speech tagging under small training data
JH Kim, GC Kim
Natural Language Engineering 2 (2), 95-110, 1996
Estimating membership functions in a fuzzy network model for part-of-speech tagging
JH Kim, J Seo, GC Kim
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 4 (4), 309-320, 1996
An efficient parsing of Korean sentences using restricted phrase structure grammar
KJ Lee, JH Kim, GC Kim
Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 12 (1), 49-62, 1997
Fake sentence detection based on transfer learning: applying to Korean COVID-19 fake news
JW Lee, JH Kim
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6402, 2022
Bilingual lexicon extraction via pivot language and word alignment tool
H Kwon, H Seo, J Kim
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora …, 2013
Lexical Disambiguation with Error-Driven Learning
JH Kim
Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technolog, 1996
An efficient Korean part-of-speech tagging using a hidden Markov model
JH Kim, CS Lim, J Seo
Journal of the Korean Information Science Society 22, 136-146, 1995
Korean syntactic tagset for building a tree annotated corpus
KJ Lee, JH Kim, KS Choi, GC Kim
Korean Journal of Cognitive Science 7 (4), 7-24, 1996
A right-to-left chart parsing with headable paths for Korean dependency grammar
C Kim, JH Kim, J Seo, GC Kim
Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages 8, 105-118, 1994
Restricted representation of phrase structure grammar for building a tree annotated corpus of Korean
KJ Lee, GC Kim, JH Kim, YS Han
Natural Language Engineering 3 (2), 215-230, 1997
A right-to-left chart parsing for dependency grammar using headable path
CH Kim, JH Kim, J Seo, GC Kim
Proceeding of the 1994 International Conference on Computer Processing of …, 1994
Generating a Korean Sentiment Lexicon through Sentiment Score Propagation
HM Park, CH Kim, JH Kim
KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering 9 (2), 53-60, 2020
Korean part-of-speech tagging based on maximum entropy model
IH Kang, JH Kim, GC Kim
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Human and Cognitive Language …, 1998
Extended pivot-based approach for bilingual lexicon extraction
HW Seo, HS Kwon, JH Kim
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering 38 (5), 557-565, 2014
Detecting and Correcting Errors in Korean POS-tagged Corpora
MG Choi, HW Seo, HS Kwon, JH Kim
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering 37 (2), 227-235, 2013
Information Retrieval System for Mobile Devices
JH Kim, HC Kim
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering 33 (4), 569-577, 2009
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Articles 1–20