J. Kiley Hamlin
Cited by
Cited by
Social evaluation by preverbal infants
JK Hamlin, K Wynn, P Bloom
Nature 450 (7169), 557-559, 2007
Three‐month‐olds show a negativity bias in their social evaluations
J Kiley Hamlin, K Wynn, P Bloom
Developmental science 13 (6), 923-929, 2010
Young infants prefer prosocial to antisocial others
JK Hamlin, K Wynn
Cognitive development 26 (1), 30-39, 2011
How infants and toddlers react to antisocial others
JK Hamlin, K Wynn, P Bloom, N Mahajan
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 108 (50), 19931-19936, 2011
Moral judgment and action in preverbal infants and toddlers: Evidence for an innate moral core
JK Hamlin
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (3), 186-193, 2013
Giving leads to happiness in young children
LB Aknin, JK Hamlin, EW Dunn
PLoS one 7 (6), e39211, 2012
Positive feelings reward and promote prosocial behavior
LB Aknin, JW Van de Vondervoort, JK Hamlin
Current opinion in psychology 20, 55-59, 2018
Not like me= bad: Infants prefer those who harm dissimilar others
JK Hamlin, N Mahajan, Z Liberman, K Wynn
Psychological science 24 (4), 589-594, 2013
A collaborative approach to infant research: Promoting reproducibility, best practices, and theory‐building
MC Frank, E Bergelson, C Bergmann, A Cristia, C Floccia, J Gervain, ...
Infancy 22 (4), 421-435, 2017
Prosocial behavior leads to happiness in a small-scale rural society.
LB Aknin, T Broesch, JK Hamlin, JW Van de Vondervoort
Journal of experimental psychology: General 144 (4), 788, 2015
Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference
ManyBabies Consortium
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 24-52, 2020
Failed attempts to help and harm: Intention versus outcome in preverbal infants’ social evaluations
JK Hamlin
Cognition 128 (3), 451-474, 2013
Do as I do: 7‐month‐old infants selectively reproduce others’ goals
JK Hamlin, EV Hallinan, AL Woodward
Developmental science 11 (4), 487-494, 2008
The mentalistic basis of core social cognition: Experiments in preverbal infants and a computational model
J Kiley Hamlin, T Ullman, J Tenenbaum, N Goodman, C Baker
Developmental science 16 (2), 209-226, 2013
The case for social evaluation in preverbal infants: gazing toward one’s goal drives infants’ preferences for Helpers over Hinderers in the hill paradigm
JK Hamlin
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1563, 2015
Who knows what's good to eat? Infants fail to match the food preferences of antisocial others
JK Hamlin, K Wynn
Cognitive Development 27 (3), 227-239, 2012
Out, damned spot: Can the “Macbeth Effect” be replicated?
BD Earp, JAC Everett, EN Madva, JK Hamlin
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 36 (1), 91-98, 2014
Social evaluation of intentional, truly accidental, and negligently accidental helpers and harmers by 10-month-old infants
BM Woo, CM Steckler, DT Le, JK Hamlin
Cognition 168, 154-163, 2017
The conceptual mind: New directions in the study of concepts
A Avargues-Weber, M Giurfa, J Plotnik, NS Clayton, R Seyfarth, ...
MIT Press, 2015
Evidence for intuitive morality: Preverbal infants make sociomoral evaluations
JW Van de Vondervoort, JK Hamlin
Child Development Perspectives 10 (3), 143-148, 2016
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Articles 1–20