Luisa Caneve
Luisa Caneve
Primo Ricercatore, ENEA
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Methodologies for laboratory laser induced breakdown spectroscopy semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis—a review
R Fantoni, L Caneve, F Colao, L Fornarini, V Lazic, V Spizzichino
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 63 (10), 1097-1108, 2008
Plasma–wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification
S Brezinsek, JW Coenen, T Schwarz-Selinger, K Schmid, A Kirschner, ...
Nuclear fusion 57 (11), 116041, 2017
Development of laser-based techniques for in situ characterization of the first wall in ITER and future fusion devices
V Philipps, A Malaquias, A Hakola, J Karhunen, G Maddaluno, ...
Nuclear fusion 53 (9), 093002, 2013
DTT divertor tokamak test facility–Interim design report
R Martone, R Albanese, F Crisanti, P Martin, A Pizzuto
ENEA, 2019
LIBS as a diagnostic tool during the laser cleaning of copper based alloys: experimental results
F Colao, R Fantoni, V Lazic, L Caneve, A Giardini, V Spizzichino
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 19 (4), 502-504, 2004
The influence of the momentum transfer on the structural and optical properties of ZnSe thin films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering
A Rizzo, MA Tagliente, L Caneve, S Scaglione
Thin Solid Films 368 (1), 8-14, 2000
Analysis of fresco by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
L Caneve, A Diamanti, F Grimaldi, G Palleschi, V Spizzichino, F Valentini
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 65 (8), 702-706, 2010
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanorods with a narrow size distribution
CR Chandraiahgari, G De Bellis, P Ballirano, SK Balijepalli, S Kaciulis, ...
RSC Advances 5 (62), 49861-49870, 2015
Laser ablation of copper based alloys by single and double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
L Caneve, F Colao, R Fantoni, V Spizzichino
Applied Physics A 85, 151-157, 2006
Biodeterioration of Roman hypogea: The case study of the Catacombs of SS. Marcellino and Pietro (Rome, Italy)
L Bruno, L Rugnini, V Spizzichino, L Caneve, A Canini, NTW Ellwood
Annals of microbiology 69, 1023-1032, 2019
Remote-LIBS characterization of ITER-like plasma facing materials
S Almaviva, L Caneve, F Colao, R Fantoni, G Maddaluno
Journal of nuclear materials 421 (1-3), 73-79, 2012
Luminescence reveals variations in local structural order of calcium carbonate polymorphs formed by different mechanisms
MB Toffolo, G Ricci, L Caneve, I Kaplan-Ashiri
Scientific reports 9 (1), 16170, 2019
Hydrogen isotope detection in metal matrix using double-pulse laser-induced breakdown-spectroscopy
R Fantoni, S Almaviva, L Caneve, F Colao, G Maddaluno, P Gasior, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 129, 8-13, 2017
Development of ITER relevant laser techniques for deposited layer characterisation and tritium inventory
A Malaquias, V Philipps, A Huber, A Hakola, J Likonen, J Kolehmainen, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S936-S939, 2013
Detection by LIBS of the deuterium retained in the FTU toroidal limiter
G Maddaluno, S Almaviva, L Caneve, F Colao, V Lazic, L Laguardia, ...
Nuclear Materials and Energy 18, 208-211, 2019
Development of Calibration-Free Laser-Induced-Breakdown-Spectroscopy based techniques for deposited layers diagnostics on ITER-like tiles
R Fantoni, S Almaviva, L Caneve, F Colao, AM Popov, G Maddaluno
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 87, 153-160, 2013
Laser-induced fluorescence study of medieval frescoes by Giusto de’Menabuoi
R Fantoni, L Caneve, F Colao, L Fiorani, A Palucci, R Dell’Erba, ...
Journal of Cultural Heritage 14 (3), S59-S65, 2013
LIBS measurements inside the FTU vessel mock-up by using a robotic arm
S Almaviva, L Caneve, F Colao, V Lazic, G Maddaluno, P Mosetti, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 157, 111685, 2020
Characterization and discrimination of plastic materials using laser-induced fluorescence
V Spizzichino, L Caneve, F Colao, L Ruggiero
Applied spectroscopy 70 (6), 1001-1008, 2016
Frequency and time resolved luminescence of intermediate reaction products in ir laser decomposition of silane
E Borsella, L Caneve
Applied Physics B 46, 347-355, 1988
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Articles 1–20