So Young Oh
Cited by
Cited by
Self-sensing impact damage in and non-destructive evaluation of carbon fiber-reinforced polymers using electrical resistance and the corresponding electrical route models
HD Roh, SY Oh, YB Park
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 332, 112762, 2021
Real-time in-depth damage identification and health index system for carbon fiber-reinforced composites using electromechanical behavior and data processing tools
IY Lee, C Joung, SY Oh, YB Park
Composites Science and Technology 236, 109951, 2023
Condition-based maintenance of wind turbine structures: A state-of-the-art review
SY Oh, C Joung, S Lee, YB Shim, D Lee, GE Cho, J Jang, IY Lee, YB Park
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 204, 114799, 2024
Impact damage characterization approach for CFRP pipes via self-sensing
SY Oh, D Lee, YB Park
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 281, 109511, 2024
Advanced condition-based self-monitoring of composites damaged area under multiple impacts using Monte Carlo based prognostics
IY Lee, HD Roh, SY Oh, YB Park
Polymer Testing 123, 108024, 2023
In situ damage level characterization of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers via self-sensing and statistical approaches
SY Oh, B Beck, F Henning, IY Lee, YB Park
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 108676, 2024
In-depth Damage Index System for Fiber-reinforced Polymers via Multiresolution Decomposition
SY Oh, IY Lee, YB Park
한국복합재료학회, 2023
Advanced condition-based monitoring of CFRP under multiple impacts using monte carlo based prognostics and real-time self-sensing data
Y Lee, SY Oh, J Juhyeong, YB Park
PHM Society Asia-Pacific Conference 4 (1), 2023
Condition-based Multiple Load Monitoring Technique for Fiber-reinforced Wind Turbine Blade
SY Oh, IY Lee, YB Park
대한기계학회, 2023
Non-destructive evaluation of damage level in CFRP structures via real-time self-sensing technique
SY Oh, YB Park
Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials …, 2023
Advanced Condition-Based Maintenance of Composites Based on Real-Time Electromechanical Behavior Data
IY Lee, SY Oh, YB Park
자가진단기법과 기계학습을 이용한 탄소섬유 복합재 파이프의 반복 충격 시 파손 모드 분류
이다훈, 오소영, 박영빈
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 83-83, 2022
파손 면적과 전기적 저항 변화 물리식을 이용한 베이지안 기반 복합재 관통 면적 진단 시스템
오소영, 박영빈
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 62-63, 2022
Design and Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Insert Preforms Based on Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Tapes
SY Oh, HD Roh, YB Park
한국복합재료학회, 2021
Self-sensing of CFRP Impact Damage using Electrical Route Models
SY Oh, HD Roh, YB Park
University of Porto, 2021
Real-time Fracture Detection and Verification via Finite Element Analysis for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Pipes with Multiple Impacts
SY Oh, D Lee, YB Park
대한기계학회, 2021
반복 충격이 가해진 탄소 섬유 복합재료 파이프의 실시간 파손 검출 기법 및 유한요소해석을 통한 검증
오소영, 이다훈, 박영빈
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 45-46, 2021
Damage classification of CFRP pipes under impact test using clustering techniques
D Lee, SY Oh, YB Park
한국복합재료학회, 2021
Repeated Impact Damage Self-sensing of CFRP Cylinders using In-situ Electrical Resistance Monitoring
SY Oh, D Lee, YB Park
한국복합재료학회, 2021
Structural Health Self-monitoring Algorithm of CFRP using Electrical Resistance and Artificial Neural Network
HD Roh, SY Oh, IY Lee, YB Park
한국복합재료학회, 2020
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Articles 1–20