Liang-Yee Cheng
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O processo de projeto em arquitetura: da teoria à tecnologia
DK Kowaltowski, D de Carvalho Moreira, JRD Petreche, MM Fabrício
Oficina de Textos, 2011
A computing method for the analysis of water impact of arbitrary shaped bodies
M Arai, LY Cheng, Y Inoue
日本造船学会論文集 Journal of the society of naval architects of Japan 1994 …, 1994
3D numerical simulation of impact load due to liquid cargo sloshing
M Arai, LY Cheng, Y Inoue
日本造船学会論文集 Journal of the society of naval architects of Japan 1992 …, 1992
A Technique for stable numerical computation of hydrodynamic impact pressure in sloshing simulation
M Arai, LY Cheng, A Kumano, T Miyamoto
Journal of the society of naval architects of Japan 191, 299-307, 2002
Analytical and numerical study of the effects of an elastically-linked body on sloshing
MM Tsukamoto, LY Cheng, K Nishimoto
Computers & Fluids 49 (1), 1-21, 2011
Fluid interface detection technique based on neighborhood particles centroid deviation (NPCD) for particle methods
MM Tsukamoto, LY Cheng, FK Motezuki
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 82 (3), 148-168, 2016
A technique for open boundary treatment in numerical wave tanks
M Arai, UK Paul, LY Cheng, Y Inoue
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan 1993 (173), 45-50, 1993
Optimized perforated bulkhead for sloshing mitigation and control
CA Bellezi, LY Cheng, T Okada, M Arai
Ocean Engineering 187, 106171, 2019
A fully Lagrangian DEM-MPS mesh-free model for ice-wave dynamics
RAA Junior, A Mellado-Cusicahua, A Shakibaeinia, LY Cheng
Cold Regions Science and Technology 186, 103266, 2021
A numerical study on sloshing mitigation by vertical floating rigid baffle
CA Bellezi, LY Cheng, K Nishimoto
Journal of Fluids and Structures 109, 103456, 2022
A domain decomposition strategy for hybrid parallelization of moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method for computer cluster
DT Fernandes, LY Cheng, EH Favero, K Nishimoto
Cluster Computing 18 (4), 1363-1377, 2015
A expressão gráfica em cursos de engenharia: estado da arte e principais tendências.
AB Moraes
Universidade de São Paulo, 2001
Modelling of water demand in building supply systems using fuzzy logic
LH Oliveira, LY Cheng, OM Gonçalves, PMC Massolino
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 34 (2), 145-163, 2013
Brittle Fracture and Hydroelastic Simulations based on Moving Particle Simulation
RAA Junior, LY Cheng, SLG de Oliveira, M Kischinhevsky, JMRS Tavares, ...
CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 95 (2), 87-118, 2013
A 3D numerical method for assessment of impact loads due to sloshing in liquid cargo tanks
LY Cheng, M Arai
Proc. of the 15th Int’l Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 214-221, 2005
A numerical study of the effects of bottom and sidewall stiffeners on sloshing behavior considering roll resonant motion
MM Tsukamoto, LY Cheng, H Kobayakawa, T Okada, CA Bellezi
Marine Structures 72, 102742, 2020
A study on the coupling effect between sloshing and motion of FLNG with partially filled tanks
T Kawahashi, M Arai, X Wang, LY Cheng, K Nishimoto, A Nakashima
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 24 (3), 917-929, 2019
A numerical study of the effects of bow shape on green water phenomenon
CA Bellezi, LY Cheng, K Nishimoto
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-13-498, 2013
Particle based numerical analysis of green water on FPSO deck
CA Bellezi, LY Cheng, K Nishimoto
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 55416 …, 2013
Metodologias baseadas na Teoria dos Sistemas Nebulosos (Fuzzy Systems Theory) no tratamento das informações subjetivas do projeto arquitetônico
ALNC Harris, LY Cheng
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Articles 1–20