Alexandra C. Gunn
Alexandra C. Gunn
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Supporting inclusion in early childhood settings: Some possibilities and problems for teacher education
K Purdue, D Gordon‐Burns, A Gunn, B Madden, N Surtees
International Journal of Inclusive Education 13 (8), 805-815, 2009
Even if you say it three ways, it still doesn’t mean it’s true: The pervasiveness of heteronormativity in early childhood education
AC Gunn
Journal of Early Childhood Research 9 (3), 280-290, 2011
(Re) marking heteronormativity: Resisting practices in early childhood education contexts
N Surtees, AC Gunn
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 35 (1), 42-47, 2010
Building inclusive communities in early childhood education: Diverse perspectives from Aotearoa/New Zealand
AC Gunn, C Child, B Madden, K Purdue, N Surtees, B Thurlow, P Todd
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 5 (3), 293-308, 2004
Teachers’ beliefs in relation to visual art education in early childhood centres
AC Gunn
New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education 3, 153-162, 2000
Teacher-child talk about learning stories in New Zealand: A strategy for eliciting children’s complex language
E Reese, A Gunn, A Bateman, M Carr
Early Years 41 (5), 506-521, 2021
Students’ engagement with alternative discursive construction of menstruation
S Agnew, AC Gunn
Health Education Journal 78 (6), 670-680, 2019
We're a family: How lesbians and gay men are creating and maintaining family in New Zealand
AC Gunn, N Surtees
Families Commission, 2009
Understanding how early childhood educators ‘see’learning through digitally cast eyes: Some preliminary concepts concerning the use of digital documentation platforms
EJ White, T Rooney, AC Gunn, J Nuttall
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 46 (1), 6-18, 2021
Preparing initial primary and early childhood teacher education students to use assessment
M Hill, L Smith, B Cowie, A Gilmore, A Gunn
Final Report for Teaching and Learning Research Initiative, 2013
Early childhood initial teacher education students’ learning about assessment.
A Gunn, A. C., Gilmore
Assessment Matters 7, 24-38, 2014
Heteronormativity and early childhood education: Social justice and some puzzling queries.
AC Gunn
The University of Waikato, 2008
Constructing the academic category of teacher educator in universities’ recruitment processes in Aotearoa, New Zealand
AC Gunn, D Berg, MF Hill, M Haigh
Journal of Education for Teaching 41 (3), 307-320, 2015
Te aotūroa tātaki: Inclusive early childhood education: Perspectives on inclusion, social justice and equity from Aotearoa New Zealand
D Gordon-Burns, AC Gunn, K Purdue, N Surtees
NZCER Press, 2012
A philosophical anchor for creating inclusive communities in early childhood education: Anti-bias philosophy and te Whā riki: Early childhood curriculum
AC Gunn
Waikato Journal of Education 9, 2003
Research in the work of New Zealand teacher educators: A CHAT perspective
M Berg, D. A. G., Gunn, Alexandra C., Hill M. F, Haigh
Higher Education Research and Development 35 (6), 1125-1138, 2016
Forging ahead: Moving towards inclusive and anti-discriminatory education
K Davis, A Gunn, K Purdue, K Smith
Theorising early childhood practice: Emerging dialogues, 99-120, 2007
Engaging with dominance and knowing our desires: New possibilities for addressing sexualities matters in early childhood education
A Gunn, N Surtees
New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership 19, 79-91, 2004
The changing work of teacher educators in Aotearoa New Zealand: a view through activity theory
M Gunn, Alexandra C., Hill, M. F., Berg, S., Haigh
Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 44 (4), 306-319, 2016
The potential of queer theorising in early childhood education: Disrupting heteronormativity and practising for inclusion
AC Gunn
Sexual cultures in Aotearoa/New Zealand education, 2015
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Articles 1–20